
Bimtek Socialization of Academic Digitalization for Lecturers at Medan Area University

28 Jul 2020 - 2903 View

Medan Area University held a Training on Academic Digitalization of Technical Guidance for Lecturers at the University of Medan Area, this activity was held on Tuesday 30 July 2019 at the UMA Library Multipurpose Building Jl. Pond No.1 Medan Estate.

The activity was attended and opened by the Rector of the University of Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Head of the Application Data and Information Center Ady Satria ST. M. Kom, PDAI delegation, all lecturers in the University of Medan Area and IT Support faculties.

In his speech, the Chancellor said that the professionalism of lecturers with their serdos is not just proven certificates, but is responsible for educating students to be perfect or perfect people in addition to having expertise, knowledge, technology, arts and attitudes, lecturers must provide the best service to students, especially at this time UMA is carrying out the process of admitting new students for the 2019/2020 TA. So, he said, what was "sold" by UMA was academic services in the process, "said the chancellor.

The UMA Chancellor also reminded all UMA lecturers to have three characteristics as true lecturers. The first characteristic, he said, has a sincere intention to teach which is really a calling of the soul. The lecturer is characterized by having the intention to teach and is not stingy about the knowledge he teaches. Lecturers must be sincere in teaching to make students smarter The second feature has the talent to teach, so students feel happy and comfortable in learning. And the third feature, lecturers must have idealism that always follows the existing rules. If UMA lecturers fulfill these three characteristics, the vision of UMA to produce innovative, personal and independent graduates will be realized, "said the rector.

Meanwhile, Head of UMA Data and Information Center (PDAI) Ady Satria ST, M. Kom explained about five UMA application systems namely Webmail, Google Scholar, E-Learning & V-Conference, Lecturer Blog and E-Exam. He stated, the material had been carried out since 2015 by conducting door to door training namely from faculty to faculty. But based on the chancellor's and foundation's instructions, the delivery of material should be done together and at the same time. This activity was first carried out at UMA. PDAI uses five applications that will be used next semester, "said Ady Satria, Head of the PDAI.

The technical assistance (Bimtek) presented presenters from UAI PDAI, Imam Wasmawi S. Kom and Bob Hafiz Tri Raksa ST, explained about webmail. Then, Agung Suharyanto S.Sn M.Sc about Google Scholar. Then, Bento Aditya Hadibroto S.Kom and Saiful Azhar S.Kom about E-learning and V-Conference.

Furthermore, Ruslan Abdul Gani, Rambe S. Kom and Tri Buana S. Kom about Lecturer Blog. Rangga Satya Tarigan ST and Heri Tri Wibowo S. Kom about E-Exam.


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