
Congratulations to Medan Area University Students for Passing PKM 5 Fields in 2020

23 Sep 2020 - 714 View

Congratulations to Medan Area University Students for Successfully Passing the Funding of the 5 Fields Student Creativity Program (PKM) 2020 by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education.

As for those who successfully passed the PKM 5 Fields 2020 proposal, totaled 3,789 from all public and private universities. The following are the names of Medan Area University students who passed the proposal for the Funding of the 5 Fields Student Creativity Program (PKM) in 2020 in accordance with the Decree 1686 / E2 / TU / 2020 regarding PKM 5 Fields Funding in 2020, namely:

1. Aldriado Leonard Noprian Dolok Saribu (178330063) with the title Innovation Week Using Ruku-Ruku Leaves as Raw Material for Ornamental Fish Anesthetics.

2. Muhammad Aldi (178520067) with the title Empowerment of School Dropouts through Learning Houses in Realizing Continuous Education in the Kampung Nelayan Medan Belawan, Medan City.

3. Naufal Huwaidi (168210065) with the title Program to Increase Knowledge and Skills in Fish Waste Processing for Traditional Fishermen Groups in Belawan, North Sumatra.

4. Kori Isabella Hutabarat (188160022) with the title Smart Industry: Automatic Incubator for Arduino and Android Based Salted Fish Drying Products.

5. Alfina Sri Wahyuni ??(18860043) with the title Hydroponic Therapy as Prevention of Baby Blues Syndrome in Young Pregnant Women.

Congratulations to Medan Area University students who have succeeded in making Medan Area University proud. Every competition event for Medan Area University students always gets a winner, this proves the quality of Medan Area University students. Hopefully in the future, students at UMA will get more championships from other fields. "

The following is a Decree from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Directorate General of Higher Education number 1686 / E2 / TU / 2020 regarding PKM 5 Sector Funding in 2020 download here



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