
Congratulations to the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Medan Area University, won 1st place in Hope

22 Jul 2020 - 2452 View

Congratulations to the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area (UMA) won 1st Place in Hope from 31 Indonesian Presidents at the National Defending National Seminar facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 held by the University of Defense in 2019 in Bogor on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.

The National Seminar and Call For Papers organized by the Defense University entitled "Awareness of National Defense in the framework of preventing the Disintegration of the Nation in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0" took place in the Auditorium Building of the Bela Negara Una Campus in the Unhan IPSC Sentul-Bogor Region.

The National Seminar and Call For Papers were opened by the Unhan Rector Lt. Gen. Dr. Tri Legionosuko, S.IP., M.A.P. As the Keynote Speaker of the Indonesian Minister of Defense, represented by the Director General of the Ministry of Defense, Prof. Pothan Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Sc, and presented the speaker Prof. Dr. Syarifudin Tippe, S.IP., M.Sc. And acting as a reviewer, among others, Professor of the Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering IPB Prof. Dr. Arief Sabdo Yuwono, M.Sc, Dean of the IPB Business School Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azzam Achsani, MS, and Kalafiau Roostyan Effendie Colonel Kes Dr. Yuli Subiakto, Apt., M.Sc, and 8 participants of Call For Papers presentations included:

1. Tatan Kustana was represented by Yuniati Fransisca from Nurtanio University, Bandung
2. Pebria Dheni Purnasari from STIM Shanti Bhuana
3. Muhammad Yusrizal Adi Syaputra was represented by Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi from Medan Area University
4. Rudi Natamiharja was represented by Kisti Artiasha from Lampung University
5. Mohamad Mirwan from UPN 'V' East Java
6. Sri Suneki from PGRI University Semarang
7. Syaiful Anwar from the University of Defense
8. Arief Budiarto from Jenderal Ahmad Yani University

For the achievements of the First Champion Hope obtained by Medan Area University congratulates and is very grateful, and hopes that in the future Lecturers in the University of Medan Area will get more championships from other fields to the international arena.


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