
FEB UMA Public Lecture Improving Banking Competitiveness in the Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic with Mr. Gus Irawan Pasaribu

22 Jul 2021 - 563 View

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Medan Area held an Online Public Lecture to Improve Banking Competitiveness in the Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 on the Zoom Platform and Youtube Live Streaming of the University of Medan Area.

The general lecture of the faculty of economics and business of the management study program was attended by the Chancellor of the Medan Area University, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng., M.Sc. as the opening of the online public lecture, Dr. Adelina Lubis SE, M.Si as Moderator and Resource Person from Member of DPR RI Commission XI (Financial and Banking Sector) Mr. H. Gus Irawan Pasaribu, SE, Ak.MM, CA.

Approximately 300 participants took part in the webinar via Zoom Meeting. Public lectures are also broadcast live on the Medan Area University Youtube.


Prof. Dadan Ramdan hopes that all students can make the best use of public lectures on how to deal with banking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Banking this time I see many efforts that we know the economy is currently not stable as before the pandemic may be felt by banks, whether saving is reduced or borrowing is also difficult to pay off debts and others, maybe by listening to studies from Mr. Gus Irawan gave efforts on how to deal with the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and what kind of view would be in the future regarding the banking world," said the Chancellor

Furthermore, the explanation from the resource person, Mr. H. Gus Irawan Pasaribu, SE, Ak.MM, CA said that by raising the theme of competitiveness during the covid 19 pandemic, we know that today covid is still hitting and I'm even worried that it will actually happen in Indonesia, because in the past we better able to manage then because related to covid 19, let's say 10 months ago only a few thousand and after Eid there were more cases of covid 19 suffered.


As a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic, it has had a tremendous impact on the financial industry worldwide, especially the banking industry.

In the worst case scenario, the potential credit risk could spike dramatically, given the number of defaults due to a decline in economic activity and the impact of layoffs.

The need for banking consolidation was also triggered by the birth of a new competitor in the form of financial technology. Currently, there are many financing fintechs that also provide financing facilities like what banks do.


POJK Number 18/POJK.03/2020, OJK has written authority to request banks to conduct mergers and acquisitions in order to maintain financial system stability in Indonesia.

In the future, banking consolidation will increase, especially for small-scale banks with limited capital which are currently included in the Books 1 and 2 categories. Because starting from December 31, 2022, every commercial bank is required to have a minimum capital of IDR 3 trillion.

Furthermore, the participants' online photo session together with resource person Mr. H. Gus Irawan Pasaribu, SE, Ak.MM, CA.



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