
Financial Services Authority (OJK) Holds Public Lectures at the University of Medan Area

18 Jul 2020 - 954 View

The University of Medan Area Faculty of Law held a public lecture entitled "Introduction of the OJK and Consumer Education and Protection". The event was opened by the Rector of the Medan Area University Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng, M.Sc. The public lecture was attended by Vice Chancellor (WR) Student Affairs Muazzul SH MHum, UH FH Dean Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi SH MH, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ridho Mubarak SH MH, Head of Criminal Affairs Wessy Trisna SH MH, Head of UH Faculty of Law Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi Munawir Lubis MHum, and Vice Dean for Student Affairs Ridho Mubarak SH MH, Head of Criminal Affairs Wessy Trisna SH MH, Head of UH Faculty of Law Zaini Munawir Lubis MHum, and Vice Dean for Student Affairs UMA Faculty of Law lecturers.

The speakers present were from the OJK EPK Policy and Regulatory Research Director Mr. Rela Ginting, Ms. Rose Dian Sundari, Br. Abram Rajakin Manurung and the OJK delegation.

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