
Garbage Processing Socialization in Mandailing Natal Regency with UMA GreenMetric Team

28 Jan 2021 - 818 View

GreenMetric Universitas Medan Area was invited to be a speaker at the socialization of waste processing in Mandailing Natal Regency on Friday, January 22, 2021, in the Convention Room, Mandailing Natal Regent's Office.

This waste processing socialization activity was attended by the Regent of Mandailing Natal, Drs. H. Dahlan Hasan Nasution, Head of the Mandailing Natal Service, a delegation from the Environmental Service of Kab. Padang Lawas, Village Heads and residents of Mandailing Natal Regency and Resource Persons from GreenMetric UMA Abdul Karim S.Si, M.Si.

On this occasion, the problem of waste in Mandailing Natal Regency is endless, this time from the GreenMetric UMA team Mr. Abdul Karim will explain how to make a lot of waste that is managed into compost and animal feed.

Mr. Abdul Karim said that we have managed the Medan Area University in the management of waste in the campus environment into compost fertilizer from organic waste, and we will also manage non-organic waste into compost by mixing the bacteria fluids where the bacteria are on the campus of the Medan Area University.


"The University of Medan Area also manages corn cobs into the animal feed which can be eaten by livestock such as cows, cows, chickens, ducks, etc.," said Mr. Karim.

In addition, Medan Area University also collaborates with foreign parties in waste management and has implemented it in several cities, including Aceh, Dumai, and Medan.


The GreenMetric Universitas Medan Area team provided input to participants from Mandailing Natal Regency so that the waste could be used as compost, animal feed, briquettes, etc.

In addition, the welcome from the Regent of Mandailing Natal was very useful, which was conveyed by the GreenMetric UMA Team, the Head of Mandailing Natal hopes that there will be a large-scale machine in the management of non-organic and organic waste so that the waste that is disposed of from the village which is transported by environmental service officers will be more minimize the waste that is carried.

"I hope that the District, Kelurahan or Desa have this machine and cooperate with the GreenMetric Team at the University of Medan Area in processing waste"



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