
Inauguration of the Student Association of Public Administration Study Program 2019-2020

30 Jul 2020 - 2570 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc officially inaugurated the 2019-2020 Master of Administrative Sciences Student Association (IKAMA) at the UMA Convention Hall at Jalan Kolam Medan Estate. Daily Management Arrangement of University of Medan Area Public Administration Study Program Student Association (MAP) period 2019-2020. General Chairman Muhammad Arief Adillah, Deputy Chairman I Ulfian Hamdani, Deputy Chairman II Maulida Ulfa Hasanah, Deputy Chair III Buyung RB Diningrat Daulay, General Secretary Aulia Redha Martha Huzaini, Deputy Secretary I Ledi Fathia, Deputy Secretary II Tiara Sinurat, Treasurer General Khairizal Fitri , Deputy Treasurer I Elly Fuji Riani L., Deputy Treasurer I Fitri Sovia Nery and several other fields were sworn in.

Also attending the event was the Deputy Director for Student Affairs, Dr. Taufik Siregar, SH, M.Hum, Secretary of the Master of Public Administration Study Program Dr. Abdul Kadir, SH, M.Sc.

In his speech the Chancellor stated the importance of the existence of campus student organizations as a positive thing in providing communication between the university / rector and students and vice versa. So that relating to student aspirations and campus rules and other academic activities more easily socialized. The Chancellor also hopes that later organizations like this can improve student achievement in providing bright ideas that are useful. Collaboration can also be applied so that beneficial relationships occur with each other.

In line with the Chancellor, Deputy Director of Student Affairs on the occasion said, an organization like this is an institution needed by the campus. So whether or not the organization advances can not be separated from the participation of students who are in this institution.

The elected general chairman Muhammad Arief Adillah explained, his vision going forward would be to establish cohesiveness and act for the community. Because clearly the Science of Public Administration is a public servant. So it must provide the best service for the community so that we have the slogan of Being a Public Mainstay Administration Really Sincere (MANTUL).

Short-term programs that will be planned in the future are those that benefit the community, including welcoming Ramadan. We will hold religious activities including the distribution of takzil and visit social places such as orphans, nursing homes to provide services and anything that can be done.

Other programs of this organization also want to have a target village to implement the Science of Public Administration as well as to socialize UMA to the community. Of course, in this management we still ask for direction and guidance from various parties, especially academics from the Medan Area University.


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