
Internal Quality Auditor Training (AMI) Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Quality Assurance Institute, University of Medan Area

22 Jul 2020 - 713 View

Medan Area University Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) held an Internal Quality Auditor Training (AMI) Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Medan Area University Quality Assurance Institute on Friday and Saturday 18-19 October 2019 at the Convention Hall Building Rector of Campus I, Medan Area University.

The event was opened by the UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng, M.Sc and attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, MSi, Dean of Engineering Dr. Faisal Amri Tanjung, S.ST, MT. and the ranks of the Medan Area University Faculty.

The Higher Education Quality Assurance System is a systemic activity to improve the quality of tertiary education in a planned and sustainable manner. The Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM) aims to guarantee the fulfillment of Higher Education standards in a systematic and sustainable manner, so that Quality Culture develops.

Quality higher education is higher education that produces graduates who are able to actively develop their potential and produce knowledge and technology that is useful for society, nation and country.

In his speech the UMA Rector said that the quality of education is very important, because when we talk about quality, it must be supported by data that is in line with national standards of higher education. As we all understand that the quality of education is assessed internally and externally where externals are reflected in accreditation. In building a quality culture, UMA has a very high commitment to implementing the Internal Quality Assurance System. That commitment is not enough just to be built through the existence of a quality assurance agency but also in implementing the applicable laws and regulations in producing quality graduates.

On this occasion, the Chancellor hopes that participants with their competencies will be able to conduct audits correctly, thoroughly, and consistently so that the results can actually be used as follow-up material in the Management Review Meeting.

While the Chairperson of UMA LPM Chalis Fajri Hasibuan, ST, MT added that this activity is a series of efforts to ensure the implementation of a quality culture that has three components namely how to form thought patterns, attitudes and behavior patterns that are in line with national higher education standards. If the minimum quality of what is carried out in the learning process meets the existing standards. The trick is to implement the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which includes 5 cycles known as PPEPP namely planning, implementing, evaluating implementation, controlling and improving standards. An audit is included in the evaluation component which is preceded by monitoring. This audit will determine whether the implementation is in accordance with the specified standards.


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