
Launching Android and IOS Smart Campus Applications

30 Jul 2020 - 715 View

University of Medan Area Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc accompanied by the Head of UMA Information Application Data Center Ady Satria ST. M.kom officially launched the mobile android & IOS based academic application, on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at Campus I Jalan Kolam No. 1 Medan Estate.

In order to support the delivery of education, universities should ideally provide better and more effective information services to the academic community. For this reason, the use of an electronic-based academic system is essential. This was applied by the Medan Area University (UMA) by launching an academic application based on Android and IOS mobile.

The official launch of the application was carried out by UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc. Also attending the opening ceremony was the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana M.Si, Head of UMA Information Application Data Center (PDAI) Ady Satria S.T M.kom, UMA Public Relations Ir. Asmah Indrawaty MP., Parents of students and students who represent the farm.

According to the chancellor, a sense of kinship and communication between the academic community and parents can be established through this technology. Through the Smart Campus application, said the chancellor, UMA hopes that clear and true information about students' academic and non-academic activities will be known by their parents.

"This is an incident where parents give tuition fees to their children, but apparently they are not paid without their parents knowing. This can not hamper academic activities, "said the chancellor.

The Chancellor believes that through the application, parents will know whether the tuition given to their children is paid or not. In addition, parents can also find out the results of their children's academic achievement.

"This Android & IOS-based academic application allows parents to master their child's cumulative index of achievement, can also give advice," he said.

The Chancellor assessed that this application system is very good for UMA going forward, because parents can also monitor the development of their children's academic achievement. Moreover, the chancellor continued, UMA is targeting to be able to graduate students in exactly 4 years If it can be faster, "he said.

For this reason, the Chancellor asked students who were present to witness the inauguration of the launch of the application to socialize it to parents and other students. According to the chancellor there will be no obstacles in the socialization because smartphones today are not a luxury item, and almost most people have them. The Chancellor admitted, this application is still an early version, and in the future it will be refined again.

Previously, the Head of PDAI UMA Ady Satria ST Mkom said, an online-based academic application was launched in 2017. But this time it was devoted to Android and IOS-based monitoring, both for parents and students.

He explained, the purpose of this application was in accordance with the launch theme, namely improvement and ease of academic services through digital-based services with Android and IOS.


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