
Medan Area University Ranks 1 Best Private Universities in North Sumatra Webometrics Version

28 Jan 2021 - 1241 View

This time, Medan Area University won 1st place in the Webometrics version of Private Higher Education in 2021 which is officially published by Webometric is a system that provides an assessment of all the best universities in the world through the application and website-based information system that is owned and developed by the university. Webometrics conducts rankings and assessments of more than 30,000 universities worldwide.

Medan Area University in 2021 is ranked 1st in the best private universities (Regional) in North Sumatra in web utilization, use of information and communication technology, while for Indonesia (National) UMA ranks 74th.

The ranking order based on the top 5 public and private universities in North Sumatra is:

1. University of North Sumatra.

2. Medan State University.

3. Medan Area University.

4. Major Potential Universities.

5. Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra.

Head of the Center for Data and Information Applications (PDAI) UMA, Rangga Satya Tarigan ST. explained that the Webometrics World Rank assessment in 2021 has 3 components of assessment parameters which are the main indicators of Webometrics' assessment, namely: Visibility (50%), Transparency (10%), and Excellence (40%).

Rangga Satya Tarigan added that thanks to the hard work of all units within the University of Medan Area, which was fully supported by the Head of the Haji Education Foundation Agus Salim and the UMA Rectorate, they were able to obtain this achievement.




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