
Online Graduation for Bachelors and Masters Program Period 1 in 2021

07 Apr 2021 - 748 View

Medan Area University held an Online Graduation Ceremony for Period I Undergraduate and Masters Program 2021 on Saturday 27 March 2021 at the Campus I Library Building, Medan Area University Jl. Pool No. 1 Medan Estate, Zoom Application, and Youtube Live Streaming of Medan Area University.

In the implementation of the online graduation, the Chancellor and his staff are still present at the Campus I Library building at the University of Medan Area by still paying attention to complete health protocols using masks, while the graduates / I remain at their respective homes.


The academic report of the Medan Area University by the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, MSi said that in this period the University of Medan Area graduated undergraduate and master students from 20 study programs totaling 719 graduates, consisting of 101 engineering faculties, 50 agriculture faculties, 140 economics, and business faculties, 71 law faculties, and faculties social science and political science 51 graduates, 104 psychology faculty and 10 science and technology faculty and for the master program, 57 graduates of psychology masters, 66 public administration masters, 13 agribusiness masters and 56 law masters.

Of the 719 graduates who graduated today, 16 people from the undergraduate program and 4 people from the master program were selected as the best graduates for period 1 in 2021.


On this occasion, the Chancellor of UMA Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng M.Sc, in his speech at the online graduation, conveyed our congratulations to the parents and families of graduates who today accompany and witness the graduation of their children, beloved family members in their respective places.

In accordance with the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2020 concerning Increasing Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of Covid-19, that activities that gather large numbers of people for a long time have a high risk of spreading Covid-19. Therefore, UMA is currently holding a Graduation Ceremony online. God willing, in the future, if everyone has received the vaccine, we will graduate as usual offline, 'said the chancellor.


This graduation with the theme "In improving the quality of education, the University of Medan Area has implemented Merdeka Learning - Merdeka Campus through the improvement of the Higher Education curriculum which refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework, resulting in innovative, Personable, and Independent resources". With the issuance of Permendikbud No. 3 the Year 2020 regarding National Higher Education Standards, which regulates Independent Learning-Independent Campus, currently, students are given the freedom to choose forms of learning that can be carried out outside of Higher Education for a maximum of 3 semesters (60 credits). Students can carry out internships, entrepreneurship, thematic real-life lectures, research, carry out humanitarian programs, Independent Studies, and the Teaching Campus Program. Currently, UMA has carried out a curriculum reconstruction to be able to implement the Merdeka Learning-Merdeka Campus program and there are 73 students who are currently carrying out the Teaching Campus Program at Elementary Schools in various places according to their respective regions. UMA has conducted various collaborations with academic and non-academic institutions. Since 2020, UMA has continued to carry out a follow-up collaboration with PELINDO for certified internships that have been attended by 9 students and with Bank Indonesia for scholarships to more than 50 students.

Academic activities are carried out by 298 permanent lecturers and assisted by 180 educational staff who have met the standard qualifications set by the government. 52 lecturers including doctoral qualifications with 5 professors. Currently, 42 lecturers are continuing their Doctoral Program studies at various domestic and foreign universities. In this period there were 7 (Seven) Lecturers who obtained Doctoral degrees. Dr. Ressi Dwiana, S.Sos., M.Si. Field of Communication Dr. Fauzi Wikanda. Islamic Communication Science. Dr. Maswandi in the field of Islamic Law, Dr. Rosliana Lubis, Chemical Sector, Dr. Ina T Budiani, MT in Architecture, and Dr. Rahmat Syah, M.Kom in the field of Computer Science, the Field of Communication Dr. Effiati Juliana Hasibuan, M.Si.


UMA students have also made proud achievements, which show that UMA's vision to produce innovative, personable, and independent human resources can be achieved. Achievements obtained by Medan Area University students at TA. 2020/2021 are:
1. Dian Pranata (188210007)
Champion 2 at the Red Arrow Innovation Award 2020 organized by PT. East-West Seed Indonesia (Research Title: Innovation in Utilization of Verticulture Hydroponics in Unused Home Finances as an Effort to Fulfill Family Nutrition)
2.Lamhot Yartono Simbolon, (178330071)
National 2nd Winner at the 2020 Student Science Olympiad (OSM) in the Economic Sector organized by the Indonesian Science Olympiad Training (POSI)
• Chosen as a Campus Ambassador to take part in an internship organized by the International Model United Nation (IMUN)
3. Gareni Bulolo (178330272)
3rd place in the Putra Putri Pendidikan Indonesia 2020 election organized by the Indonesian Achievement Youth Association.


As for the remarks from the Head of the Hajj Education Foundation, Agus Salim, Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA. said that in an effort to improve the quality of the Medan Area University, the Haji Agus Salim Education Foundation has at the online graduation to congratulate Medan Area University students who have graduated today, hopefully, the Medan Area University will progress and become the best private university, especially in North Sumatra, thank you to the Governor of North Sumatra, Mr. Edy Rahmayadi, Mr. Director General of Higher Education and Mr. Head of North Sumatra Region 1 Higher Education Services for your attention.

In an effort to improve the quality of the Medan Area University, the Haji Agus Salim Education Foundation has carried out a lot of construction, especially currently building a laboratory building and adding a representative lecture building for the convenience of student lectures. The concern of the Haji Agus Salim Education Foundation is not only concerned with campus facilities, but YPHAS also builds enthusiasm and motivation for student learning through the provision of scholarships for siblings, scholarships for high achieving students, and other scholarships.


As for the remarks from the Director-General of Higher Education, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D. at the online graduation said congratulations to the online graduation of the Medan Area University bachelor and master program period I in 2021, we now know that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is full of dynamics of changing jobs, many Lost jobs are replaced by intelligent systems replaced with automation, but the opportunities with the birth of new employment fields are very wide open, therefore, for the graduates and masters currently at graduation, I hope that the provisions you get while in higher education will be very important provisions. In developing the world of work, you will enter not only scientific competence but also the hard skills and soft skills that you acquire during your education either through organizational activities, sports activities, student creativity activities, and various kinds of things you do while in higher education. become a very important provision in the world of life real labor.

As for the remarks from the North Sumatra Region 1 Higher Education Service Institute Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si, I would like to congratulate the online graduation of the Medan Area University bachelor and master program period I in 2020, the implementation of this graduation is an achievement of UMA's performance and reputation as a contribution to the development of the nation's children, hopefully, UMA will make more achievements and improve educational services which have quality as a developing and competitive university.


Furthermore, remarks from the Governor of North Sumatra, Mr. Edy Rahmayadi at the online graduation, said that in the era of globalization and digital technology, which is very rapidly currently providing opportunities as well as challenges for the younger generation, UMA is a private university in North Sumatra that has produced many innovative human resources. , has a personality and independence so that it can compete in national and international markets, UMA is also one of the best private campuses in North Sumatra which plays an active role in protecting the environment, this is evidenced by the current management of the campus forest park as a conservation forest of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. making UMA the bestari campus and UMA achieving national and international rankings in GreenMetric 2021 which focuses on a healthy campus environment.

"I hope that UMA graduates can contribute to North Sumatra Province by providing creative ideas and innovative solutions to advance the dignified Province of North Sumatra", said the Governor of North Sumatra.


Furthermore, the remarks from outstanding alumni at the online graduation uma said congratulations to the graduates of Medan Area University who today have graduated online for the first period of 2021. Hopefully, the knowledge gained can be effective and useful for the country and the nation, "said the outstanding alumni.

As for the remarks from the parents/guardians that were conveyed at the online graduation, congratulating the Medan area university students who have graduated today, we as parents are very happy and happy that our child has successfully graduated. Graduation this time is not the end, but it is the beginning of a struggle in educating and struggling, your future is in your hands. Achieve your dreams in a bright future that you will face, continue to be a better person, and remain the pride of mothers and fathers, "said the parents welcome.


Hopefully, this online graduation will be a good momentum to achieve success in the future. Hopefully, this success will be a great start and extraordinary enthusiasm so as to be able to improve your achievements, and in the end be able to make you a part of Indonesian society who is personality, innovative, and independent and able to play an active role in development in Indonesia.

Watch the online Graduation process for Period I of Medan Area University's Undergraduate and Masters Program Online Graduation in 2021 on Youtube Chanel, Medan Area University.



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