
Participation of Social and Political Sciences Students at the North Sumatra Cultural Park Open Stage

06 Okt 2020 - 637 View

Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Medan Area University participated in the monthly poetry reading event initiated by the Word Community. The activity took place at the North Sumatra Cultural Park (TBSU) Open Stage on Friday, March 15, 2019.

As for a number of university students in North Sumatra who participated in this activity. Among them are Medan Area University (UMA) Students, Unimed Students, UMSU Students, and North Sumatra State Islamic University (UINSU).

This activity is carried out continuously because of the support of many parties. One of the goals is to socialize literature, especially poetry to the public. In addition, it is also to revive the tradition of reading poetry for the community, especially in the multi-ethnic city of Medan.

In the event, they succeeded in presenting poetry on various themes. Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Medan Area University are very active in various social events and activities.

Later in the April activity, a poetry reading performance will feature North Sumatra poets and declamatory with the theme Remembering Chairil Anwar.



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