
PKKMB Medan Area University in 2020

28 Sep 2020 - 676 View

The Introduction to Campus Life for New Students or PKKMB at the University of Medan Area for the 2020 academic year, Friday 20 September 2020, was officially opened by the Head of the Haji Education Foundation Agus Salim Drs. H. Erwin Siregar MBA. PKKMB Medan Area University which is held online via the Zoom Meeting application and the Medan Area University Youtube.

This time the motto in implementing the Medan Area University Online PKKMB in 2020 is the HOT Motto (Thrifty, Clean and Healthy) which was introduced by the Rector of the University of Medan Area (UMA) Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc in front of new UMA students online who take part in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB). On that occasion, Prof. Dadan also launched a smoke-free UMA campus.


"New students from Medan Area University must be great. Namely, saving costs by completing college on time. Students also have to be clean in mind and body, without being contaminated by negative things such as drugs, so that a healthy campus will be created, ”said the rector in his remarks at the opening of the UMA Online PKKMB.

The Chancellor also said that the vision of the Medan Area University, which is innovative, personality, and independent, must be understood and implemented by the entire academic community, including new students for the 2020/2021 academic year. With that vision, he said, achievement must be a fixed price.

"UMA students must excel, starting from the internal (campus), local (North Sumatra), to national and international environments. And your brothers or senior students have shown that achievement, "said Prof. Dadan.

Furthermore, the Chancellor of the Medan Area University also said that new students had to graduate on time for an optimal 4-year undergraduate, 2-year master's, and a 3-year doctoral program with a GPA of 3.00 for undergraduate programs, "said Prof. Dadan.


The Head of YPHAS Drs. HM Erwin Siregar MBA in his remarks first of all I congratulate you on joining the new students of Medan Area University in 2020/2021. education until he finishes being a bachelor on time.

"The PKKMB Medan Area University 2020 activity should be carried out with the aim of introducing more about the existence of the campus, as students are required to be able to learn independently, where independence must be accompanied by a strong attitude and disciplinary responsibility, moreover this online lecture activity must have a greater motivation so that this online lecture can be realized that Medan Area University hopes and can run well, "said Mr. Erwin while introducing himself and explaining the duties of the foundation he leads, including completing the facilities and infrastructure needed for quality academic administration.

Medan Area University has also implemented a bilingual class where lectures use English in addition to regular a regular b and evening/evening classes. Medan Area University also often holds webinars, all webinar activities are on the Medan Area University Youtube and get free certificates.


Furthermore, the presentation of material by the Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, M.Si at the 2020 Medan Area University PKKMB related to online learning which will be held on Monday, September 28, 2020, in the online lecture/practicum/response preparation stage. The online learning media that has been run by the University of Medan Area uses, Google Meet, Zoom, and CloudX, and the application will have guidelines for how to do online lectures which are explained in the 2020 Medan Area University PKKMB.


Furthermore, the presentation from the Center for Data and Information Applications (PDAI) at the Medan Area University Online PKKMB related to supporting applications for Medan Area University students who must be guided in lectures. The following is the supporting application for UMA students:

The following is a supporting application for Medan Area University students that must be understood. Then proceed with how to fill KRS, View Course Schedule, See KHS. If in the implementation of KRS students have difficulty taking KRS, Viewing Schedules, etc. on the website, we will provide a video tutorial on how to take KRS.


Furthermore, the last presentation on PKKMB Medan Area University by the Library of UMA Mrs. Ir. Ina Triesna Budiani, M.T explained about the UMA Library which has been accredited A by the National Library, the UMA library also has printed collections with 31,102 titles and 56,952 copies. In addition to printed books, the UMA library also has online collections ranging from e-journals, theses, and e-references. The advantages of the Medan Area University Library information system are:

Name Presentation
Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng.,M.Sc Download
Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, M.Si Download
Pusat Data dan Aplikasi Informasi (PDAI) Download
Perpustakaan Universitas Medan Area Download



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