
Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Medan Area and PT. Main Midi Indonesia

22 Jul 2020 - 863 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with PT. Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk, a supermarket chain store company that manages Alfamidi, to collaborate in research, training, internships, field work practices (PKL) and campus hiring (student recruitment).

Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed directly by UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc and PT Midi, Tbk People Development Manager Eko Setyo Putro, in the UMA Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) conference room, Jalan Setiabudi Medan, Tuesday 5 November 2019.

The signing of the MoU was witnessed by the Vice Chancellor of UMA in the Field of Cooperation Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer MP, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UMA Dr. Ihsan Effendi SE. M. Si, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Hery Syahrial SE. M. Si, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ir. M. Yamin Siregar MM, the heads of study programs and lecturers in the FEB UMA. Also present were a number of PT Midi, Tbk staff.

The Chancellor of Medan Area University welcomed the collaboration with PT. Midi which has a chain of Alfamidi supermarkets spread throughout Indonesia. With this MoU, UMA students can conduct research, internships and street vendors at the auspices of PT Midi, TBk.

I hope, after the signing of the MoU, it will be followed by concrete action. Do not hesitate to accept students or graduates of UMA either doing research, street vendors and working at PT Midi Utama Indonesia, "said the chancellor while expressing his joy that a number of UMA Faculty of Psychology graduates are now staffing at PT Midi, Tbk," said the UMA Rector.

On that occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UMA said, this collaboration was the first with a supermarket store management company. So far, FEB UMA has cooperated with banks, professional certification institutions and domestic and foreign universities. This collaboration with Alfamidi is an opportunity for FEB students and graduates to join the national company PT Midi, "said the dean.

Meanwhile, Eko Setyo Putro said, PT Midi opened the door for school and college graduates, because the human resources (HR) needed by this company were very large. PT Midi has collaborated with a number of quality universities in the framework of hiring managers, with the condition that they would be placed throughout Indonesia. Collaboration with the campus in the context of synergy produces superior and outstanding human resources, "said Eko while adding, the presence of Alfamidi in the archipelago to reduce unemployment.


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