
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding on MoU and MoA Collaboration between Medan Area University and Muslim University Nusartara Al-Wasliyah Medan

17 Jul 2020 - 851 View

Nusartara Al-Wasliyah Muslim University in the context of the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding on MoU and MoA Cooperation in the fields of Library, Quality Assurance, Journal, and Lecturer Publications on Thursday 30 January 2020 in the Al-Wasliyah UMN meeting room.

On this occasion the signing of a memorandum of understanding for the cooperation of the MoU and the MoA was signed by the Rector of the Medan Area University Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng. M.Sc and UMN Chancellor Al-Wasliyah Hardi Mulyono, SE, MAP witnessed by UMA Dean of Law Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi SH, MH., Ka. PJI UMA Agung Suharyanto S.SN, M.Sc, LP2M Staff Eky Ermal Muttaqin, SE, M.Sc, Ka. LPM Chalis Fajri Hasibuan, ST, MT, along with UMN Al-Wasliyah staff and UPMI Rector Drs. H. Ali Mukti Tanjung, SH., MM along with their staffs.

The leadership of UMN Al-Wasliyah welcomed the delegation of Medan Area University together with the delegation of the Indonesian Community Development University (UPMI Medan).

University of Medan Area Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng, M.Sc, in his remarks hoped for implementation both from UMA itself and from UMN AL-Wasliyah, 'said the UMA rector.

"This collaboration is expected to have proof of cooperation reports from the library, Quality Assurance, Journals, as well as publications and for lecturers, because in the assessment of higher education quality standards for collaboration not only is a signature but there must be proof of cooperation, if there is no proof of collaboration then there is no value for the standard of cooperation quality, 'said the chancellor.

Likewise with the remarks by the UMN Rector Al-Wasliyah, the same as the remarks by the UMA rector, there must be proof of cooperation, the lecturers will not go far enough to take a doctorate because Alhamdulillah UMA has opened the Agricultural Science Doctoral program, I hope the UMN lecturer at the UMA school, said UMN Chancellor.


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