
Silaturrahmi Lecturer at the University of Medan Area Academic Community

30 Jul 2020 - 672 View

Medan Area University held a lecturer gathering at the University of Medan Area. The activity was held on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at the Convention Hall, UMA Library Building, Jl. Haji Agus Salim / Kolam No.1 Medan Estate.

As for who attended the event the Chairperson of the Hajj Education Foundation Agus Salim Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA., UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng. M.Sc., Vice Chancellor of Bid. Academic Dr. Ir. Siti Mardiana, M.Sc., Vice Chancellor of Bid. Administration and Finance Dr. Utary Maharany Barus, SH, M.Hum., Deputy Chancellor of Bid. Student Affairs Muazzul, SH, M.Hum., Vice Chancellor of Bid. Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer, MP., And all lecturers from the Medan Area Area academic community.

The silaturrahmi activity was accompanied by a discussion of the upcoming APT where the UMA Rector in his speech said "frankly this has been discussed by the foundation that we will share the task of guarding our institutions for that we expect input from all of you in dealing with this APT because it continues APT said that we will achieve the maximum achievement if all we attend contributes, it is impossible for us to do it ourselves, therefore we who are present here participate in contributing to the achievement of a superior level of accreditation or A "said the chancellor.

Then followed by the Chairperson of Salim Hajj Education Foundation Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA. regarding the UMA quality acceleration program which tells the achievements of the University of Medan National and International Areas, one of which was the achievement of the Medan Area University Library to obtain accreditation A from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, Medan Area University won 1st place at PTS North Sumatra Unirank / 4Icu, UMA won 25th National level at UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, etc.

Hopefully in 2019 the Medan Area University will achieve more superior achievements because it is in line with the Vision of the Medan Area University to be an Excellent University in the fields of academics, science and technology.

Next was the presentation from the Vice Chancellor of Bid. Academic Dr. Ir. Siti Mardiana, M.Sc. regarding SPMI expects the replacement of the LPM head from Mrs. Ir. Haniza MP. to Mr. Chalis Fajri Hasibuan, ST, MT must further improve the quality of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner.


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