
Socialization of EBSCO Journal Database Utilization in the University of Medan Area

30 Jul 2020 - 683 View

UMA Library and UMA Research and Community Service Institute held a seminar for lecturers with the theme "Socialization of EBSCO Journal Database Utilization in Medan Area University Environment" on Thursday 4 April 2019 which was held in the building as a multipurpose room at UMA library campus I Jl. Haji Agus Salim / Kolam No.1 Medan Estate.

Also present at the event was the Head of the UMA Library Ir. Ina Triesna Budiani, M.T and the lecturers of the University of Medan Area academic community and speakers who presented the material were Erli Nawangsih, SE.

EBSCO is the world's leading information agency that provides consulting services and the latest technology to manage and access quality content, both print editions, e-journals, e-packages, research databases, e-books and more. Now, many libraries that organize research try to find new ways to manage their collections more efficiently.

Mrs. Erli Nawangsih, SE explained the material on how to browse EBSCO University of Medan Area by visiting the website then entering a username and password then taking references from journals both National and International for lecturers and students as a reference source in thesis preparation.


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