
Submission of Book Grants for Medan Area University Students who are Bank Indonesia Scholarship Recipients

20 Jan 2021 - 686 View

Medan Area University held a Book Grants Submission from Bank Indonesia for Medan Area University Students who received Bank Indonesia Scholarships at the Convention Hall Campus 1, Medan Area University Tuesday, January 12, 2021.

Handover of Book Grants from Bank Indonesia was attended by the Rector of the University of Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng., M.Sc., Vice Rector for Student Affairs Muazzul SH, M.Hum, Deputy Deans of the Faculty for Student Affairs, and Ka. BARKI Sri Irawaty S.Sos, MAP.


On this occasion the Chancellor of UMA in his greeting congratulations and success to all student recipients of book grants from Bank Indonesia. Hopefully, the 3 types of books provided can provide benefits and urge these books to be read as activities during the pandemic and he hopes to continue to study diligently during the pandemic. Covid 19.

"I hope that all Medan Area University students continue to make achievements at the regional, national and international levels, finishing on time".

The Chancellor also hopes that Medan Area University students get good college scholarships if they can get to the International to get a Doctorate degree.


Furthermore, there is a direction from the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs saying that to keep achieving / active in achieving achievements must be limited by the covid pandemic situation, then he hopes that Gen-bi students and all students can prepare themselves to participate in student activities that will be held by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 which will be carried out in close proximity, namely the Student Creativity Program (PKM), Student Achievement Selection (PILMAPRES), National Olympiad - Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ON MIPA) Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI), National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and student-level activities. Other national.

"Students must continue to excel even in pandemic conditions and their learning methods are slightly different".

The event was then followed up with books from Bank Indonesia to Bank Indonesia scholarship recipients and a group photo of the symbolic giving of books to representatives of Bank Indonesia scholarship recipients.



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