
Successful Tracer Study University of Medan Area Graduates in 2014, 2015 & 2019

17 Jul 2020 - 1103 View

Entrepreneur and Career Development University of Medan Area, Medan. Alumni who are happy, greetings, success and congratulations on meeting with the University of Medan Area Tracer Study program, currently we are conducting a Tracer Study program to find out the latest alumni conditions about work and its relation to learning obtained at tertiary institutions in support of current alumni work. This program will be conducted routinely for each alumni and data from alumni is very valuable for UMA for evaluating and developing the quality of UMA academic activities in the future.

Tracer Study is one of the methods used by several universities, especially in Indonesia to obtain feedback from alumni. The feedback obtained from these alumni is needed by universities in their efforts to improve and develop the quality and education system. Not only that, this feedback can also be useful to map the business world and industry so that the gap between the competencies obtained by alumni in college and the demands of the workforce can be minimized.

Tracer Study needs to be carried out in an institutionalized, structured and appropriate manner in order to obtain measurable, accurate and comparable results.

UMA Tracer Study which is currently underway is the Second Stage after as many as 2355 alumni have participated in this program. This year UMA held Tracer Study activities for graduates in 2014,2015 and 2019.

The data obtained through this program is very important, so we request the assistance of alumni, to be willing to participate in the second phase of the tracer study program in 2020, and for the alumni participation, we express our highest gratitude and appreciation.


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