
Technical Guidance & Focus Group Discussion (FGD) GreenMetric University of Medan Area 2019

16 Sep 2019 - 1685 View

Saturday, September 14th, 2019, University of Medan Area conducted the event of Technical Guidance & Focus Group Discussion  which presented the keynote speakers from UI GreenMetric, Vice Chair of UI GreenMetric, Asst, Prof. Junaidi, SS, MA and Communication and Administration of GreenMetric UI, Hastin Setiani, S.Sc. It took place in the Meeting Room of Rector of Universitas Medan Area.

The event was opened by the Chairperson of GreenMetric UMA Team 2019, Ida Fauziah, S.Si, M.Sc., and continued by the speech from the Rector of Universit Medan Area, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc. He expressed his gratitude to the UI GreenMetric Team for their presence at UMA.

The Rector revealed that UMA has participated twice in GreenMetric World University Ranking, and it is the third year that UMA conducts and participates in GreenMetric event. The event needs to make a technical guidance in order to know what things need to be considered in filling in the evidence in the GreenMetric questionnaire and how to fill it.

The event was continued with remarks by the Head of YPHAS, Drs. H. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA. He explained that they had their own interest in participating GreenMetric World University Ranking. UMA has done a lot in order to meet GreenMetric criteria standards, although there are still things that need to be improved, but UMA remains consistent to be a GreenMetric standard campus, and also to improve ranking in Indonesia and in the world, UMA needs for help and guidance to the new GreenMetric Team in completing the questionnaire.

The Chairperson of GreenMetric UMA, Ida Fauziah, S.Si, M.Sc, also explained about the progress that UMA has achieved in GreenMetric in the last 2 years, either in the fields of Infrastructure, Energy, Water and Waste, Transportation or Education and Research related to standards of GreenMetric.

The event was continued with an explanation by Vice Chair of UI GreenMetric, Asst, Prof. Junaidi, SS, MA. He explained at a glance what exactly meant by GreenMetric, the purpose and how the assessment runs.

“In 2018 the participants increased to 719 universities from 81 countries around the world. It shows that UI GreenMetric is increasingly known as the ranking of the world’s first and only university in terms of sustainable universities. There are currently 29 countries participating in GreenMetric Program spreaded in America, Europe, Africa and Asia that already have a National Coordinator.” said Prof. Junaidi

He explained each step needs to be done by the university in achieving GreenMetric rating standards, both in terms of buildings, electricity management systems, lighting usage, water and waste treatment, compost use, transportation use that must be able to reduce emissions, pedestrian with international standards and Sustainability based research.

He also explained how the membership network of UI GreenMetric “All universities that participate in the UI GreenMetric ranking will automatically become members of the network and are welcome to join the network activities”.

Furthermore Hastin Setiani, S.Si, as the Communication and Administration of UI GreenMetric explained about technicallity and tips in filling in the GreenMetric questionnaire in order to improve ranking in GreenMetric ranking. The event was closed with a lunch together and also a visit to the trial garden at the Medan Area University Campus.

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