
The Faculty of Psychology UMA Holds Public Lectures with the theme of Managing Organizations in Era 4.0

22 Jul 2020 - 653 View

The Faculty of Psychology, University of Medan Area (UMA) held a public lecture entitled "Managing Organizations in Era 4.0" which was held on October 24, 2019 at the Convention Hall of the UMA Campus Library Building.

The public lecture was attended and opened by UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Siti Mardiana M.Sc, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Munir, M.Pd, Lecturer along with UMA Faculty of Psychology students.

The speakers who attended the general lecture were Pelindo 1 Director of Human Resources & General M. M. Hamied Wijaya and Chairman of the North Sumatra LPIO & Subject Matters Expert in Agro Nusantara Vieda Havantri M.PSi to provide material exposure to UMA students.

The remarks from the UMA Rector Prof. Dadan Ramdan said that this public lecture was very interesting because where we have explored in the revolutionary era 4.0 where technology has now developed and advanced, I hope that UMA students can truly understand the public lecture material presented by this resource person, Mr. Hamied Wijaya and Mrs. Vieda Havantri , "said the chancellor.

Furthermore, the general lecture was continued by the speaker M. Hamied Wijaya as Director of HR & General Pelindo 1 he told UMA students to equip themselves with soft skills and hard skills. Students must also understand technology. Then you must be able to "sell yourself" by utilizing existing social media (social media). Of course the social media must be managed in a quality manner. In addition, students must master the language and good communication tips. Because in the future, the challenges will become heavier due to increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, hard skills must always be updated with the latest developments, "said Hamied.

Meanwhile, Vieda Havantri in her lectures generally invited UMA students to learn from organizations that were once large but now went bankrupt. He took the example of Nokia, the first and largest telephone manufacturer to successfully launch many cellphones in its era. But the Finnish company eventually went bankrupt because it did not want to develop itself quickly to Android.

Likewise Myspace, a social networking site based in Beverly Hills, California, once triumphed at that time, eventually losing out to compete with Yotube and Instagram. Then, he said, the Japanese electronics company, Panasonic, had experienced a heyday, but eventually went bankrupt because it couldn't compete with Chinese products.

This public lecture is a study of industrial and organizational psychology. With this public lecture, we hope that UMA Psychology graduates will be ready to compete in the industry 4.0 era.


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