
The Graduation of Postgraduate Graduates of Medan University Area I Period 2019

30 Jul 2020 - 764 View

Rector of Medan Area University attended the Graduation Ceremony of the 2019 UMA Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony at the Garuda Plaza Hotel Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.18, Mosque, Kec. Medan Kota, Friday 21 June 2019.

The event was attended by UMA Postgraduate Director Prof. Dr. Ir Retna Astuti K.MS, UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Ec M.Sc, Hajj Agus Salim Foundation, Academic Vice Chancellor Dr. Ir Hj Siti Mardiana MSi, Deputy Rector Administration and Finance Dr. Utary Maharany barus SH MHum, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs H Muazzul SH M Hum, Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation Ir. Zulheri Noer MP, Head of Public Relations UMA Ir Asmah Indrawaty MP, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Academic Affairs Dr. Isnaini SH M Hum, Deputy Director of Administration and Finance Division Ir Rizal Aziz MP, Deputy Director of Cooperation Sector who is also the Chairperson of the Graduation Committee Dr. Taufik Siregar SH MHum and KTU Wahyu Ananda ST, the Deans and Heads of Study Programs, while alumni from the Postgraduate University of Medan Area who were present the Chancellor of UISU Dr. Yanhar Jamaluddin, MAP and all graduate graduates who participated were happy to attend the graduation ceremony.

The Director of the UMA Postgraduate Program Prof. Dr. Ir Retna Astuti K MS when delivering the remarks for the graduation of the study program graduates said "I congratulate the graduates tomorrow on Saturday 22 June 2019, I hope that all graduates become creative, personal and independent alumni and the role of alumni in maintaining the civitas and active in alumni activities. The magnitude of the Masters program is in great need of alumni collaboration, especially now that alumni reaching 2,000 people scattered in various agencies are expected to continue to establish silaturrahmi. "That does not mean after graduation is complete. So we need to knit friendship that will strengthen us to jointly build this Masters program more advanced and developed in the future, "he said.

The same thing was said by Medan Area University Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M. Eng MSc. He hoped that graduation would not be the last meeting, but would continue together in alumni activities. "What is the alumni's contribution to the study program that has been carried out so far. I hope that at UMA there will be no request, but this is a proof of the alumni's love for his alma mater," explained the rector.

Then at the event the UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M. Eng MSc and the Director of the UMA Postgraduate Program Prof. Dr. Ir Retna Astuti K MS presented the award to the best graduates of the UMA Postgraduate Program period I in 2019.


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