
The Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation Between Medan Area University and Perlis University of Malaysia

18 Jul 2020 - 1072 View

Signing of the MoU between the Medan Area University (UMA) and the University of Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) on Monday 277 January 2020 at Istana Koki Restaurant & Grand Ballroom.

The signing of the MoU was witnessed directly by the Vice Chancellor of the Bid. Academic Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, MSi, Deputy Chancellor of Bid. Administration Dr. Utary Maharany barus, SH, M.Hum, Deputy Chancellor of Bid. Student Affairs H. Muazzul, SH, M.Hum, Vice Chancellor of Bid. Dr. Ir. H. Zulheri Noer, MP, Director of Postgraduate Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Retna Astuti K., MS, Dean of the Faculty of Law Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi, SH, M.H, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dr. Grace Yuswita Harahap, ST, MT, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Dr. Risydah Fadilah, S.Psi, M.Psi and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Dr. Faisal Amri Tanjung, S.ST, MT.

The signing of this MoU is Deputy Chancellor for Collaboration Dr. Ir. H. Zulheri Noer, MP hopes that there will be implementation both from UMA itself and from UniMAP, 'said the deputy bid rector. UMA collaboration.

"Even though the Medan Area University has collaborated with the University of Malaysia Perlis with proof of the Visiting Professor collaboration, it is expected that there will be a Visiting Professor, student exchange and for research / service lecturers, because in assessing the quality standards of higher education institutions for collaboration not just a signature but there must be proof of cooperation, if there is no proof of cooperation then there is no value for the standard of quality of cooperation, 'said the vice rector of the UMA collaboration bid.

As for the guests present from the University of Malaysia, Perlis Prof. Ir. Dr. Muhammad Rizal Arsyad Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International UNIMAP), YBrs. Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Md Arshad (Dean, Center for Graduate Studies), YBhg. Prof. Ir. Ts R. Badlishah Ahmad (Vice Chancellor of UNIMAP) and Puan Aizah Jasmi.


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