
The Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation between the University of Medan Area and the North Sumatra BKSDA Witnessed by the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra

24 Jul 2020 - 788 View

Medan Area University (UMA) established a memorandum of understanding on the collaboration between Medan Area University (UMA) and the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center with the theme "Conservation Camp" on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at Volleyball Field Campus I University of Medan Area Jl. Kolam no.1 Medan Estate.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding was attended and opened by the Rector of the University of Medan Area, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana M.Sc, Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance Dr. Utary Maharany barus, SH, M.Hum, Deputy Chancellor of Student Affairs Muazzul SH. M.Hum, Public Relations UMA Ir. Asmah Indrawaty MP, Head of BAK Sri Irawaty S.Sos, MAP.

Also present was the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Drs. Musa Rajekshah M.Hum, Deli Serdang Deputy Regent HM Ali Yusuf Siregar, North Sumatra BKSDA Head Dr. Ir. Hotmauli Sianturi, M.Sc, Head of the Gunung Leuser National Park Center Ir. Jefry Susyafrianto, M.M, Head of Medan City Sanitation and Gardening Office (DKP) H. M Husni and other senior leaders who participated in the inauguration of the Conservation Camp and the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

In the opening of the 2019 Conservation Camp event, it was enlivened by the appearance of a number of elementary school students by performing theatrical and Go Green dances containing messages and invitations to all parties to be aware of the environment such as using sufficient water, disposing of rubbish in its place, and not damaging the ecosystem resulting in disasters natural.

The Chancellor of Medan Area University in his welcoming speech welcomed the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Mr. Musa Rajeckshah to attend the signing of a memorandum of understanding of cooperation between the University of Medan Area with BKSDA and witnessed the official opening of the Conservation Camp by North Sumatra's Deputy Governor, and the guests invited another was present at Campus I of MedanA Area University (UMA).

"UMA has set the capacity to be free from cigarette smoke which is very detrimental to health. Likewise, plastic waste is very damaging to the environment. Plastic waste is difficult to decompose by soil so that plastic particle poisons that enter the ground will kill decomposing animals in the soil such as worms "UMA is also the only tertiary institution in North Sumatra that has a campus forest. In addition, to reduce pollution, UMA has also planned the Mandatory Cycling Day on certain days." Haji Agus Salim Education Foundation as the manager of UMA has built bicycle paths on campus with the characteristic of red paint. Soon we will do the Mandatory Cycling Day on certain days, "said Prof. Dadan.

North Sumatra Deputy Governor Musa Rajeckshah in his direction, advised that environmental care must be instilled from an early age. Especially at this time, explained the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra. Natural damage occurs everywhere due to lack of awareness and sense of responsibility to protect, care for and preserve natural resources (SDA) which are God's gifts.

Furthermore, the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra said Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT gave North Sumatra with extraordinary natural wealth through the panorama of Lake Toba and biodiversity as well as flora and fauna. We must protect this gift together so that one day we can still be enjoyed and felt by our future generations. So starting early, awareness must be instilled, "said the Deputy Governor.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding of the cooperation between the University of Medan Area (UMA) with the North Sumatra BKSDA was witnessed by the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra.

The next event was the last planting of trees in the Experimental Field of Campus I of the Medan Area University by the Medan Area University Chancellor, Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Deputy Regent of Deli Serdang, Head of BKSDA, Head of the Gunung Leuser National Park Center and other high-ranking officials.


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