
The UMA Faculty of Law (FH-UMA) Holds a UMA MoU with UISU

25 Jul 2020 - 713 View

Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area entered into an MoU with the Faculty of Law, North Sumatra Islamic University (UISU), which was held at the UISU Faculty of Law Building, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Medan City, Tuesday (09/27/2019).

Following up on the UMA-UISU Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), it was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, UMA Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi, SH, MH and Dean of the Faculty of Law of UISU Dr. Marzuki SH, M.Hum was also witnessed by the Head of UMA's Faculty of Law Zaini Munawir S. SH, M.Hum and the Faculty of Law of UISU.

The Dean of the Faculty of Law UMA hopes that the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding of UMA-UISU can be equally in increasing the quantity / quality of Books / Teaching Materials, Seminars / Workshops / Technical Guidance / Socialization / FGD and Research and Community Service.

The purpose of this collaboration is to utilize the resources available to the parties to increase the quantity / quality of Books / Teaching Materials, Seminars / Workshops / Technical Guidance / Socialization / FGD and Research and Community Service.


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