
UMA Law Masters Lecturer Holds Legal Education in East Bantan

17 Jul 2020 - 1885 View

Lecturer in Law at the University of Medan Area (UMA) Postgraduate Program consists of Dr. M. Citra Ramadhan, SH., MH, Dr. Marlina, SH., M.Hum and Dr. Isnaini, SH., M.Hum, conducted a Legal Education in East Bantan related to Narcotics Acts on Children, on 9 December 2019.

Dr. M.Citra Ramadhan said, the urgency of the implementation of legal education, there is no end to the narcotics problem to be discussed, because it can cause physical, mental, emotional and attitude damage in society. The victims even included children and many of the younger generation, both as users and as couriers.

In addition, given the low legal awareness related to narcotics crime in children, which has the potential to be included in the Bantan Timur Village, it is very urgent for the community service team to work on the Masters of Law at the UMA Postgraduate Program, seeking to increase public legal awareness through the provision of understanding regarding this issue.

The delivery of legal education is carried out by guiding participants to play an active role in following the ongoing activities, The legal education materials provided: First, provide an understanding related to the Narcotics Penalties Against Children.

Children as perpetrators can be charged with Article 127 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics (Narcotics Law). Whereas as a courier, it can be ensnared depending on the type of narcotics it carries. For example: for intermediaries in narcotics transactions of group I based on Article 114 paragraph (1) of the Narcotics Law.

Second, provide understanding related to law enforcement for children as narcotics offenders.

In the implementation there are exceptions. "To note, the threat of imprisonment that can be handed down to children is at most half of the maximum threat of imprisonment for adults. Law enforcement must be based on the mechanism stipulated in Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning the Juvenile Justice System (Child Protection Act), which is referred to as diversion, which is the transfer of the settlement of the case of children from the criminal justice process to a process outside of criminal justice, "said the UMA PPs Magister Law lecturer.

Third, said Citra, provides an understanding related to the Prevention of Narcotics in Children.

Tips on Preventing Children Become Narcotics Abusers, namely: First, building communication on children. Second, giving love and affection. Third, spiritually. Fourth, fertilizing confidence.

Tips to Prevent Children from Becoming Narcotics Traffickers, First, are selective in getting along. Second, do not easily believe in offers of large salaries through acquaintances on social media. Third, focus on positive things. Fourth, don't be afraid to lose friends who behave negatively. Fifth, fortify yourself by maintaining faith.

"Sixth, check the items deposited from friends or other people in front of him and do not want to be entrusted goods or bags whose contents are unknown. Seventh, solve the problem with the help of the right person. Eighth, always maintain openness and good relations in the midst of family, "said Citra Ramadhan.


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