
UMA Lecturer Receives Doctor of Communication Science from UI

20 Jan 2021 - 2397 View

Lecturer at the University of Medan Area, Ressi Dwiana, officially holds a Doctor of Communication from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI). Ressi examines the existence of community radio (RaKom) which is covered by regulations.

"In a climate of oppressive regulations and a weakening civil society movement, practitioners' efforts to maintain the existence of community radio are carried out in various ways."

"These efforts have succeeded in making community radio sustainable. However, the main root problem of community radio, namely regulation, has never been resolved, ”said Ressi

Ressi conveyed his dissertation research entitled "Setbacks of Community Radio in Indonesia (Political Economy Studies on Power Relations in Broadcasting Arrangements in Indonesia)".


Ressi's promoter is Dr. Ade Armando, M.S. with Kopromotor Mario Antonius Birowo, M.A., Ph.D. He successfully graduated with Cum Laude honors. The examiner in this trial was Dr. Eni Maryani, M.Si. (Padjajaran University), Dr. Irwa Rochimah, M.Si. (Al-Azhar University Indonesia), also Dr. Nina Mutmainnah, M.Si., Dr. Pinckey Triputra, M.Sc, and Dr. Eriyanto, M.Si. from the University of Indonesia. The session chaired by Dr. Arie Setiabudi Soesilo, M.Sc.

This Ressi dissertation aims to explain how the efforts of community radio supporters trying to maintain the existence of broadcasting in the midst of regulatory conditions that complicate community broadcasting. Regulation, in the form of a legal product and its implementation process, is assumed to be the main cause of the decline in community radio.

The conclusion of this research is that Law no. 32/2002 contains flexible regulations on community radio, assuming that the implementing regulations (PPs) can be derived in more detail. But PP No. 51/2005 actually provides a regulation that is very pressing on community radio life.

Some of the rules that are opposed by community radio supporters are: the obligation to be a cooperative or association; limit the broadcast radius of 2.5 km; frequency allocation shall be regulated by a Ministerial Regulation; and permits and license extensions are submitted to the Minister and granted by the Minister, KPI is only an intermediary. Apart from regulatory pressures, community radio is also affected by the external climate.



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