
UMA Receives GRANT BUS Campus Ministry of Transportation

06 Okt 2020 - 907 View

Medan Area University (UMA) managed to get a grant from the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) which was symbolically handed over by the Minister of Transportation E.E Mangindaan to the rector on May 6, 2013, in Jakarta. UMA is one of the 7 universities that received this assistance.

"I received it directly from the Minister of Transportation," said the Chancellor of UMA Prof. Dr. H A Ya`kub Matondang MA on the campus of Jl Kolam Medan Estate, Friday [24/5]. He said, there were seven universities in Indonesia that received the assistance, UMA was one of them. "In North Sumatra, we are the only university that has received the assistance," he emphasized.
Accompanied by the Head of Public Relations at UMA, Ir Asmah Indrawati MP, the rector said that the medium-sized bus would later be used for educational operations at UMA.

The Chancellor said that this bus will be used for the activities of the UMA community as a means of carrying out the Tri Darma Pergururan Pergururan program, "he said. According to him, higher education is the best manifestation of realizing quality development.
He also said that the existence of this bus would facilitate the mobilization of the UMA big family in carrying out Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi activities. Furthermore, said the chancellor, the existence of UMA nationally was so taken into account, previously as many as 19 UMA lecturers won the research package for the Decentralization of Competitive and Competitive Grants Scheme and the National Strategy Scheme (Stranas) worth Rp. 1.1 billion. from the government as a media cluster that is given the authority to select and manage its own research. The government has many research programs to provide the widest possible opportunity for lecturers to research through Competitive Grants and others, "he said

The Chancellor explained that his party had submitted a proposal since 2010. By the Ministry of Transportation, for 2012, 45 cars were provided, including 38 buses given to Pemko / Regency Governments throughout Indonesia and 7 buses to 4 PTS and 3 PTN, one of which was given to UMA.

Prof. Matondang added that the campus bus arrived in Medan on Wednesday (22/5). The Hyundai brand, valued at Rp. 350 million with a capacity of 20 people, will be used by UMA, which is currently still very limited and lacks public transportation facilities for students.
For this reason, he added, the Minister of Transportation provided requirements for obtaining this car grant, such as not removing the Ministry of Transportation logo, being allowed to install the UMA logo, operating costs borne by the university and for the past two years must provide regular reports to the Ministry of Transportation in an effort to maintain and maintain the campus bus.
Asked about the reasons and reasons for UMA to get this campus bus assistance grant, Matondang continued, for student services. While the basis for the consideration might be because UMA has the existence and commitment to improving the quality and service in the administrative and academic fields.

In the future, said the Chancellor, UMA will continue to develop a book culture and maintain and at the same time get research grants for lecturers and students (PHP), as this year it has sent 19 research proposals to the Directorate General of Higher Education and is expected to win the grant. "At present, UMA already has 2 campus buses, one Banpres assistance in the 1990s which is still being used for transportation services for students and 1 bus assistance from the Ministry of Transportation this year which will also be used to support learning and academic programs, especially for the needs of tri dharma colleges. high, "explained Mantondang.



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