
University of Medan Area Communication Studies Program Achieved Accreditation A

24 Jul 2020 - 881 View

Alhamdulillah, University of Medan Area Communication Studies Program received an A Accreditation, this information was directly obtained from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAT-PT). An outstanding achievement achieved by the University of Medan Area, previously the Master of Agribusiness has achieved an Accreditation rank A.

This success cannot be separated from the role of all parties including the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Dr. Heri Kusmanto, MA, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Beby Mashito Batubara, S. Sos. MAP, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Armansyah Matondang, S. Sos., M.Sc., Chair of the Communication Studies Program Dra. Efiati Yuliana Hasibuan, M.Sc., as well as the lecturers and the accreditation team form who played an active role in the formulation of Communication Studies Study Program forms.

Head of the Hajj Education Foundation Agus Salim Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA stated that this achievement could hopefully be a reference to other study programs at the Medan Area University to immediately improve and continue to provide excellent service from academic management and services to students and stake holders.

The results of the accreditation A prove that the Medan Area University Communication Studies Program has met the criteria of the accreditation assessment requirements which include: The curriculum of each educational program; lecturer and student achievements; teaching and learning process; research and community service and cooperation with universities both at home and abroad.

Hopefully, with the newly achieved A accreditation, the Communication Studies Program is getting better, in creating the best graduates, so that it benefits the wider community.

By achieving Communication Studies with 'A' accreditation, there are five study programs that have accredited A at the University of Medan Area, namely, the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Science Social and Political Science, Communication Studies Study Program and Agribusiness Masters Study Program, from 16 Bachelor Study Programs and 4 Masters Study Programs at Medan Area University.


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