
University of Medan Area Entrepreneurs Day Competition 2019

30 Jul 2020 - 724 View

UMA Vice Chancellor for UMA Student Affairs Muazzul SH MHum was enshrined with UMA FEB Dean Dr. Ihsan Effendi MSi, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ir M Yamin Siregar MM, Chairperson of the Teguh Arfandy Arieg Committee after the opening of UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition UMA 2019 at UMA Campus II, Jalan Sei Serayu MM Number 70 A / Jalan Setia Budi Number 79 B, Medan 20112, Thursday (4/25).

A total of 21 teams (stands) took part in the UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition in the UMA 2019 Entrepreneurship Day Competition held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Medan Area (UMA), in the Open Hall of Campus II, Jalan Sei Serayu Medan, on 25-26 April 2019 .

A total of 21 teams (stand) took part in the UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition or the 2019 UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), University of Medan Area (UMA) to compete. Field. For two days, each team consisting of five people introduced and sold their creations to the visitors. Then judged by the jury.

Mr. Vice Chancellor (WR) Student Affairs UMA Muazzul SH M.Hum when opening the event expressed his pride that the participants of the 2nd entrepreneurship competition were busier than last year. According to him, both the Haji Agus Salim Foundation (YPHAS) and the university encouraged the rise of entrepreneurial spirit among UMA students. We hope that FEB UMA students can take part in various forms of entrepreneurship. Student younger siblings should no longer aspire to become civil servants, because the capacity is very small. The best opportunity now is entrepreneurship because it accommodates a large workforce, "said Pak Muazzul.

Mr. Muazzul then hoped that the culinary efforts that were included in the UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition did not stop here, but had to be developed outside the campus. "Entrepreneurship courses obtained in college must continue to be sharpened and developed outside the campus," he hoped.

The Dean of FEB UMA Dr. Ihsan Effendi MSi hoped that the participants made interesting and distinctive products, thus inviting people to buy. "The most important thing in this competition, even if you don't win, don't lose it, Entrepreneurship Day Competition has become a routine FEB agenda, at least twice a year. Thus, the entrepreneurial spirit of all FEB UMA students will grow later, "he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs FEB UMA Ir M Yamin Siregar MM accompanied by the Chairman of the Committee Teguh Arfandy Arief said, the UMA Entrepreneurship Day Competition was intended so that FEB UMA graduates would later not become job seekers (job seekers) but job creators (job creators).

Therefore, there are three categories of assessment in this competition. First, the most creative innovative promotion, which is what's new from the displayed products. Secondly, the most popular product on social media and thirdly the best seller.


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