
University of Medan Area Rector Inaugurates the Executive Board of UMA Alumni Association 2019-2023

26 Jul 2020 - 703 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc, Saturday (31/8) coincided with 1 Muharram 1441 H, inaugurating the Executive Board of the Medan Area University Alumni Association (PB IKA UMA) for the 2019-2023 Period.

At the inauguration, there was also present Head of North Sumatra Public Protection and Politics Office, Antoni Siahaan SE. Atd. MT. representing the Governor of North Sumatra, Hopplen Sinaga SH. M.Hum, representing the North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Ikhwan Ritonga SE. MM., Head of Education Representing the Mayor of Medan, UMA environmental structural officials and invitees took place solemnly.

After inaugurating the PB IKA UMA, the Chancellor conveyed the achievements, developments, and achievements that have been achieved by UMA in the climate of the lecture system, research and the role of UMA students who have performed many achievements at the national level. "This is a tangible manifestation of UMA's efforts in preparing human resources who will later be able to play a role in the world of work, play a role in nation building and global competition that inevitably UMA must continue to improve, especially UMA's vision and mission towards world class universities," he explained.

According to Prof. Dadan, to achieve this achievement alumni play an important role in advancing their alma mater, contributing to advancing, while hoping for alumni to take part in the national level such as the Minister. So the presence of PB IKA UMA to knit cooperation with each other as a partnership relationship will be easier to achieve these achievements, "he hoped.

While Antoni Siahan SE. Atd. MT., Head of Kesbang Linmas pol North Sumatra Province representing the Governor of North Sumatra in his remarks appreciated the inauguration of PB IKA UMA in filling the development of North Sumatra.

Medan City DPRD Deputy Chairman H Ihkwan Ritonga SE MM who is also an UMA alumni hopes that alumni totaling 26,000 people spread throughout Indonesia, should further enhance their participation in various fields, he continued, if empowered, it will become a major force in the contribution of alumni to National development especially North Sumatra.

The inauguration was also filled with scientific speeches which presented the senator or DPD member of North Sumatra Dr. H Dedy Iskandar Batubara SSos SH MSP. In his oration with a straightforward, flexible, and full of meaning stated that the role of alumni who are scattered everywhere can glue together to achieve mutual success, and PB IKA UMA would be able to produce great ideas as a contribution to the nation and state.

General Chairman H Suwandi Siregar SE accompanied by Secretary General Drs Muhammad Aswin MAP after being inaugurated, was grateful for the presence of stakeholders in the inaugural event and as the newly appointed management will establish partnership relations with all parties both alma mater, government and the community itself especially the number of alumni who has reached 26,000 active roles in advancing PB IKA UMA.


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