
University of Medan Area Slaughtered 30 Animal Sacrifices

04 Agu 2020 - 863 View

The University of Medan Area (UMA) academic community slaughtered 15 sacrificial animals and 15 goats after the Idul Adha 1441 Hijri Prayer, Friday (07/31/2020) at At Taqwa Mosque, Campus I, UMA, Jalan Kolam Medan Estate.

The activity was supported by the Chair of the Hajj Agus Salim Education Foundation (YPHAS) Drs M Erwin Siregar MBA and UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan MEng MSc and their staff.

Chairman of the BKM Mosque at Taqwa UMA Campus Dr. Hasrat Efendi Samosir MA told the media after the Id prayers said, appearing as a preacher Dr. Hasanuddin MAg and the priest, Al Hafiz M Nazri.


Regarding sacrificed animals slaughtered, came from the UMA family and YPHAS. Performing the prayers and slaughtering sacrificial animals according to the health protocol, by providing masks and hand sanitaizers.

"The sacrificial meat was distributed as many as 750 packages to the victims, internal UMA large family and the community around the campus," Hasrat said while mentioning sacrificial worship, has benefits and wisdom. Among them, as a form of obedience to the commands of Allah SWT, then as an attitude to emulate the sacrifice of the family of the US Abraham.

In addition, as proof of love for God above all else, and as a form of social piety to share with others, especially to the two who feel the impact of the corona virus pandemic or Covid-19. "And sacrifice is also a sign of gratitude to God for the abundance of sustenance provided by Him," said the UMA lecturer.


While UMA Chancellor Prof. Dadan Ramdan gave appreciation to the BKM Masjid At Taqwa and the sacrificial committee who had obeyed health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially distributing masks to worshipers who were about to perform Id prayers, must wash their hands (hand sanitizers) and keep their distance (social distancing).

"Eid prayers this year are different from last year because in the Covid-19 pandemic this has become a lesson for UMA. With the family motto, the UMA extended family realizes that those who have more sustenance will share to those who are less able to sacrifice," he said.

Furthermore, UMA has personality in the form of moral mercy given in the form of sacrificial worship with great affection. Therefore, the committee helped each other in the distribution of sacrifices that became the personality motto.

"This momentum is intended to keep the UMA campus from being affected by a pandemic caused by an infectious and dangerous virus and hopes that the campus is safe from Corona," he pleaded.

While the preacher Dr. Hasanuddin MAg in his sermon said, the pilgrimage performed has a direct relationship with the Creator of God Almighty, while sacrificial worship is related to humans and the Creator. "Sacrifice is one of them to increase devotion to Allah," he said.

Hasanuddin hoped that the spirit of sacrifice would continue to be increased, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic, the community experienced financial difficulties, the number of employees laid off (layoffs), reduced purchasing power and loss of traders and fears of Corona transmission.


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