
Congratulations to Medan Area University Students Passing the 2020 KBMI

23 Sep 2020 - 584 View

Congratulations to Medan Area University Students Successfully Passing the Selection of Indonesian Student Management Business Activities (KBMI) program of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education which was held on 17 s.d. 26 July 2020 2020.

Following are the names of proposals that passed the selection for the Indonesian Student Management Business Activities (KBMI) in 2020 in accordance with the Decree 1650 / E2 / KM / 2020 concerning the announcement of passing the 2020 KBMI Selection, with the title of the proposal:

- WiNet (Internet Village Service Provider)

- ABERATION (Accessories Cultured Through Resin)

Congratulations to Medan Area University students who have succeeded in making Medan Area University proud. Every competition event for Medan Area University students always gets a winner, this proves the quality of Medan Area University students. Hopefully in the future, students at UMA will get more championships from other fields. "

The following is a Decree from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Directorate General of Higher Education number 1650 / E2 / KM / 2020 regarding the announcement of passing the 2020 KBMI Selection download here



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