
Field Trip of UMA Masters in Psychology to PELINDO 1 Belawan

27 Jun 2020 - 977 View

Master of Psychology, University of Medan Area held a Fieltrip of HR development courses with the theme "Innovation and Culture Studies of PT. Pelindo I Belawan "on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. This fieldtrip was attended by students of psychology masters, especially the concentration of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and lecturers supporting these courses.

In this event the master of psychology visited PT. Pelindo I Belawan was warmly welcomed by Mrs. Dewi Suryani Ekawati - VP of HR & Organizational Strategic Planning and the Team. The Innovation and Culture Study Fieldtrip was opened by the Chair of the UMA Psychology Masters Program, Prof. Dr. Sri Milfayette, MS.Kons by motivating all Fieldtrip participants "that in developing human resources we need to follow the development of technology as well, with technology we can build innovative Human Resources", he said.


UMA's Masters in Psychology also gave awards in the form of placards received by Ms. Dewi Suryani Ekawati - VP of HR & Organizational Strategic Planning.

Mrs. Dewi also presented a slide titled "Digitalization HR Management At Pelindo I", in her slides Mrs. Dewi conveyed several key points of the management system used by Pelindo I in achieving Innovation and culture in the Industrial 4.0 era.

Hopefully in the future the UMA Master of Psychology Program will hold more fieldtrip activities to continue to broaden students' insights on the practice of applying psychology to the world of work and organizations.


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