
Semua Informasi Tentang - Field Trip

Fieldtrip Magister Agribisnis Program Pascasarjana UMA Ke UNAND DAN BALITBU

Selasa, 14 Des 2021, 09:33:08 WIB - 1729 View

Senin, 29 November 2021 Program Studi Magister Agribisnis Universitas Medan Area melaksanakan kegiatan Fieldtrip ke Universitas Andalas Padang dan Balai Penelitian Buah Tropika. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa Magister Agribisnis Angkatan 2019 dan juga disertai dengan dosen pendamping dan pegawai. Keberangkatan dari Kampus …

Agribusiness Masters Study Program Holds Filedtrip to Bangkok, Thailand

Kamis, 30 Jul 2020, 02:20:39 WIB - 1015 View

Agribusiness Master's Degree Study Program The Medan Area University (UMA) Masters Program conducts a field trip to Bangkok, Thailand 2- 5 May 2019. The group is attended by around 20 second semester students and 4 accompanying lecturers. The group was led by the Director of the Masters Program Prof. Dr. Ir. Retna Astuti K., MS and …

University of Medan Area Biology Students Hold Field Lectures in the Garden of Eden 100

Rabu, 29 Jul 2020, 01:15:31 WIB - 626 View

Students of the University of Medan Area Biology Faculty held a field study at Eden Park 100 on Saturday July 6, 2019. Garden of Eden 100 is located above an altitude of 1,100 s.d. 1,750 meters above sea level, this park is located in the hills of the village of North Sionggang, Lumbanjulu District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra. …

Field Engineering Student Field University of Medan Area (MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE)

Rabu, 29 Jul 2020, 00:33:13 WIB - 1147 View

The Industrial Engineering Study Program of the Medan Area University held a Fieldtrip to Malaysia-Singapore on 17-21 July 2019. There were 25 Fieldtrip participants consisting of Students, Lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Engineering. On the first day the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Deputy Dean of Bid. Student and Deputy …

University of Medan Field Students Field Trip to Kuta Gadung

Rabu, 29 Jul 2020, 00:12:14 WIB - 1133 View

The students of the Faculty of Agriculture held a field trip (field study) to the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Horticultural Main Office (BIH) Kuta Gadung Brastagi. Participated in the field trip group were Vice Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Dr. Hj Siti Mardiana MSi, Deputy Rector IV for Collaboration Dr. …



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Tanya Dokter - UMA SEHAT