
University of Medan Area Biology Students Hold Field Lectures in the Garden of Eden 100

29 Jul 2020 - 626 View

Students of the University of Medan Area Biology Faculty held a field study at Eden Park 100 on Saturday July 6, 2019. Garden of Eden 100 is located above an altitude of 1,100 s.d. 1,750 meters above sea level, this park is located in the hills of the village of North Sionggang, Lumbanjulu District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra. The group of students who took part in the field lecture were students of the 2017 whip Biology Faculty, accompanied by several lecturer influential subjects namely Mr. Ferdinand Susilo, S.Si, M.Sc, Radiansyah Hadi Chandra, S.Pd, M.Sc and Ms. Jamilah Nasution, S. .Pd, M.Sc.

The purpose of the field lecture is to research plants, herbarium observations and measurement of current velocity related to the subjects of Invertebrate Taxonomy, Higher Plant Taxonomy and General Ecology, so students can learn, observe and interact directly with objects taught by lecturers through books during lectures during lectures during lectures. in the classroom.

In addition, students were also invited to see the cultivation of andaliman plants and orchid plants and examine the animals in the Siantar Zoo zoo.


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