
University of Medan Field Students Field Trip to Kuta Gadung

29 Jul 2020 - 1134 View

The students of the Faculty of Agriculture held a field trip (field study) to the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Horticultural Main Office (BIH) Kuta Gadung Brastagi.

Participated in the field trip group were Vice Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Dr. Hj Siti Mardiana MSi, Deputy Rector IV for Collaboration Dr. Ir H Zulheri Noer MP, Deputy Dean (WD) of the Faculty of Agriculture Academic Affairs Ir H Erwin Pane MS, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ir Gustami Harahap MP, Chair and Secretary of the Field Trip Committee Dr. Ir Suswati MP and Ir Asmah Indrawaty MP.

The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture UMA Dr. Ir Syahbuddin Hasibuan MSi said that field trips were a mandatory agenda for every student of the Agribusiness Study Program and the Faculty of Agriculture UMA Faperta, the aim of which was to combine the theory obtained in college with the reality in the field. After gaining knowledge in college, students then see the reality in the field, "said the dean of agriculture.

He explained, the field trip that was held last Thursday was initial knowledge before students carry out fieldwork practices (PKL). Therefore, students must carry out a field trip at least four times during college. We hope that in the future the field trip will be a student soft skill that can be included as a Certificate of Accompanied Diploma or SKPI, "said the dean of agriculture.

At the field trip location, Faperta UMA students were also shown gardens to provide carrot seeds. He said, there are gardens that are ready to harvest, there are carrot flowers that are ready to be dried and some are already cleaned and ready to be sold for sale.


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