
Semua Informasi Tentang - Field Trip

Field Trip of University of Medan Communication Science Students Area to Pergulaan Village Sei Rampah

Rabu, 22 Jul 2020, 21:16:41 WIB - 746 View

Students of the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, University of Medan Area were accompanied by Mr. Drs. Rustam Ependi, M.Sc on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 took a field trip to Pergulaan Village, one of the villages located in Sei Rampah, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The field trip with the …

Master of Law Study Program Holds Field Trips and Public Lectures to Yogyakarta

Rabu, 22 Jul 2020, 20:09:59 WIB - 653 View

Law Study Master Program The Medan Area University (UMA) Masters Program holds field trips and general lectures in Yogyakarta, with a group of around 60 third semester students of the Law Study Master Program accompanied by the Director Prof. Dr. Ir. Retna Astuti K., M.S, Deputy Director of Bid. Academic Dr. Isnaini, S.H, M.Hum, Ka. …

Field Trip of UMA Mechanical Engineering Field Trip at PTPN IV Dolok Sinumbah, Simalungun Regency

Rabu, 22 Jul 2020, 17:24:06 WIB - 693 View

Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program on Monday, November 11, 2019. Mechanical engineering students who were accompanied by the Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program namely Mr. Bobby Umroh, ST, MT along with Mr. Ir. Darianto, MSc as Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering and also as a …

Field Trip and Socialization of Agricultural Science Study Program Doctoral Program to Sungei Putih Research Center Rubber Research Center

Selasa, 14 Jul 2020, 21:38:55 WIB - 1055 View

Tuesday, 11 February 2020 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Medan Area held a Field Trip while at the same time socializing the Agricultural Science Study Program Doctoral Program to the Sungei Putih Research Center for Rubber Research Centers. The visit was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Secretary of the …

Field Trip of UMA Masters in Psychology to PELINDO 1 Belawan

Sabtu, 27 Jun 2020, 00:52:47 WIB - 976 View

Master of Psychology, University of Medan Area held a Fieltrip of HR development courses with the theme "Innovation and Culture Studies of PT. Pelindo I Belawan "on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. This fieldtrip was attended by students of psychology masters, especially the concentration of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and lecturers …



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Tanya Dokter - UMA SEHAT