Field Trip of University of Medan Communication Science Students Area to Pergulaan Village Sei Rampah

22 Jul 2020 - 746 View

Students of the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, University of Medan Area were accompanied by Mr. Drs. Rustam Ependi, M.Sc on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 took a field trip to Pergulaan Village, one of the villages located in Sei Rampah, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

The field trip with the theme "knowing and finding conflict information in a village" which was attended by students in conflict management courses was intended to update students' insights. It is hoped that with this field trip students who take courses in conflict management can learn a lot about the culture, values ??and conflicts that exist around the community.

Field trip to Pergulaan village located in Sei Deli Serdang, North Sumatra was opened by Mr. Mariono as the Village Head in Pergulaan Village, Sei Rampai, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra and continued by Drs. Rustam Ependi, M.Sc, as a lecturer in Conflict Management course from the Medan Area University Communication Studies Program, gave a short speech for the event. Then proceed with sharing session with Mr. Ngatimin Keling as one of the warriors in the village who discussed his experience of history and his experience while in the village, besides Mr. Ngatimin there were several other people who also participated for the sharing session namely Mr. Jono and Mr. Darminta.

On the next occasion students were invited to look at the atmosphere and environment in the village of use, Sei Rampai, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. For students who are interesting here is they can see first hand the atmosphere and environment in the village.

After that, students were invited to gather again in the multipurpose in the village to listen to the story of Mr. Darminta as residents and village warriors. On this occasion he explained the conflicts in the village. one of which is reviewing is a conflict that occurs because there are conflicts of two interests from two different individuals. This happens because everyone has different wants and needs. Then, he also conducted active interactions with students through discussions and questions and answers with students. Here the communication science students at Medan Area University looked enthusiastic and actively asked questions in the discussion.

Finally, the field trip event was closed with the submission of souvenirs from the Medan Area University, which was represented by one of the communication science students, Lameki Gohae and was followed by a group photo. On this occasion, Drs. Rustam Ependi, M.Sc. hope that in the future the Communication Studies Program of the Medan Area University will utilize good relations with the Pergulaan Village community to establish a closer relationship.


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