
Field Trip of UMA Mechanical Engineering Field Trip at PTPN IV Dolok Sinumbah, Simalungun Regency

22 Jul 2020 - 693 View

Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program on Monday, November 11, 2019. Mechanical engineering students who were accompanied by the Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program namely Mr. Bobby Umroh, ST, MT along with Mr. Ir. Darianto, MSc as Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering and also as a lecturer in the machine study program, and also accompanied by Mr. Ir. Amrnsyah, MM as one of the permanent lecturers in mechanical engineering, made a field trip visit at PTPN IV Dolok Sinumbah, Simalungun Regency.

The field trip, which was held on Monday, November 11, 2019, was preliminary knowledge before students carried out fieldwork practices (PKL). Therefore, students must carry out a field trip at least four times during college. The University of Medan Area expects that in the future the field trip will be a student soft skill that can be included as a Certificate of Accompanied Diploma or SKPI.

The one-day field trip activity aims to observe the palm oil mill production process system with a capacity of 30 tons / hour.

It also connects theory with mechanical engineering courses with actual conditions in the field. The mechanical engineering students who take the field trip are expected to be able to observe directly and learn how the oil palm production system is carried out with existing machines in the capacity of the process of making 30 tons / hour.


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