
Inauguration of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Medan Area University in 2021

04 Feb 2021 - 1973 View

The Academic Community of the Medan Area University held an inauguration ceremony for the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Medan Area University on Friday (29/01/2021) at the Convention Hall Library Building, Campus I Jl. Pool No. 1 Medan Estate, in accepting a position from the time they are appointed and taking the oath in carrying out that position.

The inauguration of the Dean of the Faculty of Medan Area University was attended by the Head of the Haji Education Foundation Agus Salim Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, Rector of the University of Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Vice-Chancellors, Faculty Deans, Heads of Institutions and Bureaus as well as Faculty of Engineering lecturers and staff who participated were present at the inauguration.


The Chancellor of UMA in his speech expressed his hope that those who have been elected will be able to carry out the mandate of making UMA better and it is equally known that at UMA there are 5 study programs that have received A accreditation, namely management, state administration and agribusiness, master of agribusiness and communication science. It is hoped that later all study programs will produce superior accreditation (A) and we pray together that Medan Area University will be known in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra, "said the chancellor.

As we know that the Medan Area University in implementing its programs refers to the field vision and mission. As we heard that the vision and mission of the Medan Area University are to produce graduates who are innovative, personable and independent, in addition to wanting to become a leading university in the field of science and technology education by 2025, "continued.


Head of the Hajj Education Foundation Agus Salim Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA said that UMA's human resources must have achievements, not just ordinary ones who are just busy doing routine work that is all ... must be creative, innovative and achievers, 'said the Head of YPHAS.

"I hope that all lecturers in UMA have the creativity and a spirit of work ethic so that they can be open to achieving, or discussing with the Chancellor and me," said the Head of YPHAS.



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