
Legal Opinion Drafting Training 2019

06 Okt 2020 - 490 View

Master of Law of the Medan Area University Postgraduate Program with the Branch Leadership Council of the Indonesian Advocates Association (AAI) Medan signed a memorandum of understanding and held a Legal Opinion Drafting Training event on Friday and Saturday 22 - 23 March 2019 at the Multipurpose Building Campus I, Medan Area University Jl. Pool / Jl. Haji Agus Salim Medan Estate.

The event was attended by UMA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Director of the UMA Postgraduate Program Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj Retna Astuti Kuswardhani MS. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Siti Mardiana M.Si, Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer MP., Dean of the Faculty of Law UMA Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi SH. MH., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ridho Mubarak SH. MH., Chairman of the Committee Dr. M Citra Ramadhan SH. MH, lecturers at UMA and attended by resource persons, Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (FH UI) Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana SH. LL.M Ph.D., Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra (USU) Prof. Dr. Alvi Syahrin SH. MS. and Chairman of DPC AAI Medan Dr. Old Judge Harahap SM. MH.

This activity was attended by 63 participants from the UMA academic community and others apart from the UMA campus such as Univa, UMSU, Customs and Excise, PTPN IV, and advocates.

Chairman of the Pantai Dr. M Citra Ramadhan SH. MH. in his report said this LOD training aims to improve the practical ability of legal officers or anyone who is involved and interested in the world of law in providing a legal opinion on a problem that is being faced by another party so that the LO can help take appropriate action on the problem. certain laws.

Legal drafting is an important element in legal practice. Legal drafting is a combination of two words, namely "legal" and "drafting". Literally, the word "legal" means something that is in accordance with legal provisions, while "drafting" means design/drafting.

Resource Persons Professor of UI Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana SH. LL.M Ph.D. said that the Legal Opinion was issued on the basis of a Legal Audit or Due Diligence (due diligence). A legal Audit is a process of examination and verification from a legal perspective. Every sentence in the LO must be backed up / supported by Legal Audit. And Legal Audit must be based on statutory regulations and court decisions, he said.

Followed by another resource, Prof. Alvi Syahrin said, an advocate should not act rashly in giving a legal opinion (Legal Opinion). Advocates can provide a good legal opinion, first, they have to understand and understand what legal problems exist and why they occur, to understand this, an advocate must also get complete and accurate data and information accompanied by how the legal rules governing it, After that, we can determine what to give, and finally how to solve the problem legally, said Prof. Alvi Syahrin.



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