
Medan Area University Management Review Meeting 2020

10 Jan 2021 - 699 View

The Medan Area University Management Review Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at the Convention Hall Lt. III of the Chancellor's Bureau and online for those who could not attend, this was done to review the results of the implementation of Standards and the results of the Internal Quality Audit in 3 Cycles. This RTM was attended by Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA as the Chairperson of the Medan Area University foundation, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc as the Rector of the University of Medan Area, Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, MSi as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Utary Maharany Barus, SH, M.Hum as the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Dr. Eng. Rakhmad Arief Siregar, ST, M.Eng as Head of the Quality Assurance Agency and LPM Functionaries as well as Postgraduate Director, Dean, Deputy Dean of the Faculty, Head of Study Program, and Secretary of the Study Program at the University of Medan Area.

The Management Review Meeting was opened with remarks by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, followed by remarks from the Rector, and remarks by the Chairperson of the Foundation. Then proceed with the Internal Quality Audit Evaluation (AMI) 3 Planning Cycles submitted by the Head of the Quality Assurance Agency, in this case, the standard achievement is conveyed to each study program.


Then proceed with the Internal Quality Audit Report (AMI) for the 3rd cycle of 2019 by the Head of the SPMI Division, Mr. Chalis Fajri Hasibuan, ST, M.Sc, Mr. Chalis, explaining how many Standards and Achievements of Standards for each Study Program and each Prodi representative responds to the Audit results in Internal Quality in 2019.

At the end of the event, the Head of the Medan Area University Foundation, Drs. M. Erwin Siregar, MBA gave the certificate of appreciation received by the Biology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology as the first best achievement and to the Postgraduate Program of Agribusiness as the second-best achievement in the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Cycle 3 of 2019.



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