
Medan Area University Wins Award for Monitoring and Evaluation Results of Quality of Implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education in LLDikti Region I, North Sumatra

07 Okt 2020 - 676 View

Medan Area University won an award from LLDikti Region I North Sumatra on the Results of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of the Quality of the Implementation of Higher Education Tridharma at Hotel Santika Premiere on Friday and Saturday 13-14 December 2019.

Activity Results Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Quality of the Implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education attended by private universities in the LLDikti Region I North Sumatra environment.

Following are the results of the award for the Quality of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education:

1. Best II Standard Documentation II
2. Best IV Standard Documentation III
3. Best II Standard Documentation IV
4. Best II Standard Documentation V
5. Best II Standard Documentation VI
6. Best V Standard Documentation VII

Hopefully, the results of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of the Quality of the Implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education will be more superior and hopefully, the University of Medan Area will achieve superior A Accreditation.



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