
Medan University Area Commemorates the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW

15 Nov 2020 - 752 View

The commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday falls on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The University of Medan Area is holding a Birthday event of the Prophet Muhammad SAW on November 4, 2020, at the Taqwa Mosque campus I, Medan Area University.


The event was held with the theme "Through the Commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1442 H Let's Increase Imam and Taqwa During the Covid 19 Pandemic", and the event was attended and attended by the Chancellor of Medan Area University, Deputy Chancellors, Heads of Institutions, Bureaus and Units, lecturers, and UMA employees.

This event to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is usually held every year at the Medan Area University Campus, this time the event was held during the Covid 19 pandemic with the positive aim of motivating participants to improve Imam and Taqwa during the Covid 19 pandemic, and to become good role models from Rasulullah SAW in obeying Allah SWT's commands with its provisions and being able to respect older people and learn to be good examples in everyday life.


In this activity, the events were arranged according to the sequence of events from the speech of the Chairman of BKMT UMA Dr. Hasrat Efendi Samosir, S. Ag, MA, and remarks from the Rector of the University of Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng., M.Sc. recitation of the surah, a short verse of the Qur'an, delivered by the BKMT UMA committee and filled with a lecture from Ustad Prof. Dr. Muzakkir, M.A. who have been invited and finally closed with a prayer together.



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