
Review & Assistance for Research / Community Service Proposal (PKM) DRPM Ristekdikti 2019

06 Okt 2020 - 507 View

LP2M Medan Area University held and facilitated the 2019 DRPM RIstekdikti Research / Community Service Proposal Review & Assistance Activity on Saturday, March 9 2019 which took place at the UMA Convention Hall. The activity that was held presented a National Certified Reviewer from the University of North Sumatra (USU), namely Prof. Dr. Erman Munir, M.Sc, Prof. Dwi Suryanto, Prof. Badaruddin, Dr. Lisnawita, Dr. Mohammad Basyuni S.Hut, M.Si, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Juliyanti, M.Si. This event was also attended by the Rector of Medan Area University, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, who also gave a speech as well as Vice-Rector IV for Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer, MP.

UMA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc. when opening the activity, he expressed his excitement over holding the Proposal Review and Assistance program. "These funds are given on a competitive basis. Today there are 69 research and community service proposals funded internally. We hope that out of the 69 proposals there will be those that pass to the national level funded by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, "said the Chancellor of UMA.

"This year there have been six proposals for research and community service funded by DRPM. With this policy, it is hoped that it will continue to increase from year to year, "said the chancellor.

Then continued by one reviewer, Dr. Mohammad Basyuni, S.Hut, M.Si explained about the research grant. "Make a draft proposal early and adhere to the principles, which must comply with the requirements and systematics of writing, and choose topics that match the research title," said a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry, University of North Sumatra. (USU) this.

Other reviewers also explained how to make the proposed proposals acceptable, such as a structured Road Map and Budget Plan (RAB). This event lasted for two sessions from 08.00-16.00 WIB, the first session was an explanation of the material from the reviewer, followed by an isoma, and the second session was correcting the proposals of each lecturer by the reviewer.



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