The Faculty of Law UMA Holds a World Environment Day Seminar

06 Okt 2020 - 552 View

Faculty of Law - Environmental Observer Prof. Syamsul Arifin, who appeared as one of the resource persons at the seminar said, neglecting environmental legal aspects in mining often creates problems because it disturbs agriculture due to damage to soil and disruption of drinking water supplies due to contamination of water sources and other.

Accommodation of environmental legal aspects for mining in North Sumatra Province is still neglected. It is considered that the environmental law aspect can still be resolved by certain "deals", and the most important thing is how to get mining activities carried out in the past.

This was raised in the seminar on Environmental Law Aspects in the Relationship of Mineral Mining Management in North Sumatra, which was held by the Faculty of Law, Medan Area University (UMA) in collaboration with the North Sumatra Mining Entrepreneurs Association (APPSU) at Balai Citra Tiara Convention, Jalan Cut Meutia Medan, Tuesday (12 / 6).

Environmental observer, Prof. Syamsul Arifin, who appeared as one of the speakers at the seminar, said that ignoring environmental legal aspects in mining often creates problems because it disturbs agriculture due to damage to soil and disruption of drinking water supplies due to contamination of water sources and others.

It is stated that the legal aspects in mining include administrative law, among others in the field of environmental permits, civil law, among others in the field of legal subjects and compensation and criminal law, among others, actions that cause damage to the post-mining environment.

The types of violations or criminal acts that often occur in the mining sector, according to him, are because mining is carried out without a permit, false report data, exploration without rights, holders of mining business permits (IUP) for exploration do not carry out production operations, money laundering, obstructing activities. mining business and misuse of authority of the licensing official.

For this reason, Syamsul Arifin, who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Law of UMA, further said that the substance in realizing sustainable and environmentally friendly mining in accordance with Law Number 4 of 2009 in conjunction with Law Number 32 of 2009, must pay attention to, among others, the determination of mining areas, the making of regional regulations, mining business inventories, environmental permits, and post-mining environmental damage maps.

Another speaker, Said Mozambique, was of the opinion that the potential for mineral resources is quite promising which is scattered in North Sumatra. However, it is realized that mining activities do disturb/change the environment in the form of landscapes, geology, and hydrogeology, but they can be managed so that the impact is not too detrimental.

Said Mozambique, who is currently handling the AMDAL sector at the Medan Environmental Agency (BLH), added that it needs serious effort and attention in handling environmental problems by all parties. Then, the understanding that environmental sustainability is a shared responsibility is very important. (



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