
Semua Informasi Tentang - Prestasi Mahasiswa

Congratulations to Medan University Area Students Passing PKM 5 Fields Funding in 2021

Rabu, 30 Jun 2021, 10:38:59 WIB - 546 View

Congratulations to Medan Area University Students Successfully Passing Funding for the 5 Field Student Creativity Program (PKM) in 2021 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Directorate General of Higher Education. The number of those who successfully passed the PKM 5 Fields 2021 proposal were 4,522 from all …

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Lolos KBMI 2021

Jumat, 07 Mei 2021, 00:30:09 WIB - 6804 View

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Berhasil Lolos Pada Seleksi Kegiatan Bisnis Manajemen Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) program Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Adapun yang berhasil lolos proposal KBMI Tahun 2021 berjumlah 537 dari seluruh perguruan tinggi negeri …

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Lolos Pendanaan PKM 5 Bidang Tahun 2021

Jumat, 07 Mei 2021, 00:20:05 WIB - 1478 View

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Berhasil Lolos Pendanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) 5 Bidang Tahun 2021 oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Adapun yang berhasil lolos proposal PKM 5 Bidang Tahun 2021 berjumlah 4.522 dari seluruh perguruan …

Making Animal Feed From Corn Cobs Waste Students of the Faculty of Science and Technology UMA

Rabu, 24 Mar 2021, 00:44:23 WIB - 4475 View

Friday, March 5, 2021, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Medan Area was again covered by a television station, Metro TV, in the activity of making animal feed from corn husks waste. The activity was held at the UMA Compost House which involved biology study program students and student representatives from several high …

Submission of Book Grants for Medan Area University Students who are Bank Indonesia Scholarship Recipients

Rabu, 20 Jan 2021, 00:33:12 WIB - 686 View

Medan Area University held a Book Grants Submission from Bank Indonesia for Medan Area University Students who received Bank Indonesia Scholarships at the Convention Hall Campus 1, Medan Area University Tuesday, January 12, 2021. Handover of Book Grants from Bank Indonesia was attended by the Rector of the University of Medan Area …


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Tanya Dokter - UMA SEHAT