
Semua Informasi Tentang - Prestasi Mahasiswa

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Lolos KBMI 2020

Jumat, 07 Agu 2020, 15:55:15 WIB - 937 View

Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Universitas Medan Area Berhasil Lolos Pada Seleksi Kegiatan Bisnis Manajemen Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) program Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17 s.d. 26 Juli 2020 2020. Berikut nama proposal yang lulus seleksi Kegiatan Bisnis …

Congratulations to all winners of the University of Medan Area 2020 Young Innovator Exhibition 1st

Selasa, 04 Agu 2020, 23:28:13 WIB - 647 View

Also present at the presentation of the YIE I UMA 2020 trophy, the Vice Chancellor 3, the Head of PKK UMA, the PKK Functionary and the entire jury and the winners of YIE I UMA 2020. The following are the Winner Students in the 2020 Young Innovation and Exhibition (YIE) Event which were put into several categories of competitions, as …

University of Medan Area Faculty of Law Students Win Champion in the 2019 Riau Law Fair National Legal Debate Competition

Jumat, 31 Jul 2020, 00:17:00 WIB - 1459 View

Students of the Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area again made achievements in the national legal debate competition and the theme raised in this activity was "Legal Politics Forming the Law on Customary Law Communities in Indonesia". The UMA FH student won 4th place in the 2019 Riau Law Fair National Debate Competition and won the …

University of Medan Area Futsal Team Wins First Place in Olympia Grab Futsal Competition

Kamis, 30 Jul 2020, 22:56:15 WIB - 1706 View

University of Medan Area Futsal Team Wins First Place in the Olympia Grab Futsal Competition on 22, 23 March 2019. The event was held at Medan Futsal Terminal which was participated by 16 teams from State and Private Universities in North Sumatra. This futsal tournament takes place over two days from the 22nd, 23rd March 2019, at the …

UMA Students Win Second Place in Student Election for Achievement (Pilmapres) Level LLDIKTI Region I North Sumatra in 2019

Kamis, 30 Jul 2020, 21:48:04 WIB - 930 View

Medan Area University students won an achievement from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) named Putri Ananda Lubis from the Faculty of Psychology with NPM 168600358 won second place in the LLDIKTI Level I North Sumatra Region I Student Achievement (Pilmapres) Election in 2019. The activity of …


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Tanya Dokter - UMA SEHAT