
Semua Informasi Tentang - Kerjasama

The UMA Faculty of Law (FH-UMA) Holds a UMA MoU with UISU

Sabtu, 25 Jul 2020, 23:47:03 WIB - 713 View

Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area entered into an MoU with the Faculty of Law, North Sumatra Islamic University (UISU), which was held at the UISU Faculty of Law Building, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Medan City, Tuesday (09/27/2019). Following up on the UMA-UISU Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), it was signed by the Dean of the …

Signing of the Scholarship & Library Collaboration Agreement and the Opening of BI Corner University of Medan Area

Jumat, 24 Jul 2020, 22:28:12 WIB - 736 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) signed a memorandum of understanding on the collaboration of the Scholarship & Library MoU as well as the inauguration of BI Corner on campus 2 of Medan Area University, Thursday 13 September 2019 Jalan Sei Serayu Number 70 A / Jalan Setia Budi Number 79 B, Medan. The MoU collaboration document was …

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Medan Area and STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan

Jumat, 24 Jul 2020, 22:18:27 WIB - 695 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) and Muhammadiyah Asahan College of Economics (STIEMA), the range of establishing cooperation agreements or Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) in various fields. The text of the MoU was signed by UMA Rector Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc and Chairperson of STIEMA Prianda Pebri S.Pd M.Pd, in the UMA …

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Medan Area and Grab

Jumat, 24 Jul 2020, 21:20:03 WIB - 697 View

University of Medan Area (UMA) signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with Grab which is related to the collaboration on Scholarship and Inauguration of the Grab Stop at Campus I, Universitas Medan Area Jl. Pool No. 1 Medan Estate, the event was held in the Rector's Meeting Room on Friday 20 September 2019. The …

The Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation between the University of Medan Area and the North Sumatra BKSDA Witnessed by the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra

Jumat, 24 Jul 2020, 00:47:08 WIB - 788 View

Medan Area University (UMA) established a memorandum of understanding on the collaboration between Medan Area University (UMA) and the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center with the theme "Conservation Camp" on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at Volleyball Field Campus I University of Medan Area Jl. Kolam no.1 Medan …


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Tanya Dokter - UMA SEHAT